Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Two tasks finally done

Well, I finally got 2 calls made that I have been putting off - really for no other reason then I just really hate talking on the phone!  I called Comcast to see if there was a cheaper plan to change to, since our year pricing for the plan we were on was up and our plan bill went up $15 per month.  The customer service rep wasn't a lot of help but she did lower it by $5 per month, so better than nothing, I guess.

Then I called the health insurance plan I have Dh and Ds on.  I wasn't able to put Dd on this better plan/company, last February, when I put them on.  Thanks to the "wonderful" new laws due to ObamaCare I had missed open enrollment last year and children under 19 can only be added during this time.  I just happened to hear on the radio that open enrollment for children is now, so I called to find out how to add Dd.  It will cost me about $4 more per month, but totally worth it as it is such better coverage.  It covers 6 office visits per year, without applying the deductible, a physical in full and also covers prescriptions a $15 copay.  We had none of that on the old plan.  Same deductible, but no visits or prescriptions.

Feels nice to get those two items accomplished.  I am a terrible procrastinator!

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