Sunday, July 31, 2011

Frugal weekend

Other than the small size Starbucks Dd and I treated ourselves to yesterday morning on the way to help move Grandma, it's been a pretty frugal weekend.  Last night's dinner was spaghetti and french bread.  This morning I made blueberry muffins for breakfast, put a pork roast and vegetables in the crockpot for dinner and this afternoon I got a loaf of bread started in the breadmaker.  Just now I put some brownies in the oven for dessert tonight. Yum!

Later this morning we took the dog over to Petsmart for a nail trim ($9), I picked up 2 newspapers at Walmart for the coupons and stopped at Walgreens.  Using my $4 Register Reward from last week I got 2 Coffee-Mate creamers, 2 Dawn dish soap and some hair clips for .80.  I also got another $2 RR to use on a future purchase.

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