Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Budget and expense items

I canceled my Netflix account last June. The price went up $2 and we also have Amazon Prime video, so figured I didn't need it..........but one of my favorite shows is about to have a new season to watch. I love the Longmire show and it starts on Friday.  I'm so close to signing up again. I checked out their pricing plans and I could do the Basic plan for $8 a month, which was what I was paying for the mid-level plan before price went up. I had the mid level plan because 2 could watch at same time and wanted it available for DD when she was at college, but her BF has Netflix and she doesn't need access to mine anymore.  I can get by with one user at a time and no HD.  Shoot - my internet connection in small town will probably barely support HD anyway LOL.

It's not like I can't afford $8 a month. It's not like I HAVE to watch that show.  And then I'll end up binge watching it all in one weekend and still be paying $8 a month. I guess I could cancel again.  We'll see. I think I'll wait to decide until we move. I won't have time to watch it until we get settled anyway.

Apparently we need to get the dogs licenses to live in town. A whopping $5 for a permanent dog tag for a neutered dog. LOL. and they need proof of rabies. My vet records are packed. Their rabies tags say 2013, so due again sometime this year. I called vet and older dog is past due a couple months I must have missed that in all this stress, though why they didn't mention it the last 2 times I've had him into the vet this past month, I have no idea. So, I am getting him in Friday afternoon. The other dog isn't due until December, so I'll find a new vet when we move and get him in when due. Apparently the nearest vet will be like 50 miles away!

I am getting a very good interest rate on my new mortgage. 3.125%.  A few of my expenses I am estimating, but our overall total monthly expenses, including mortgage will be about $3200. My take home (including bonus paid twice a year) is $6727 a month.  That leaves about $3500 a month, which will be going to savings or paying for some of the site work on the land. We'll get the septic and well put in next spring/summer. We are estimating about $5,000 more to put into the new house. Some landscaping, finish the chain link fence (it needs a top rail and we think we will just also go ahead and have backyard fenced too, so dogs have bigger area to be in), insulate and run some power out to the shop. The only thing we need to do inside is add some cabinets above the washer and dryer, put some shelves in the garage and add a doggy door. I also will be buying a queen sized bed for guest bedroom, but not planning on buying anything too expensive. It won't be used that often.

This is something like what I would like to get
it's $260 on Amazon....and I'll save $25 in sales tax living in new state :)


  1. Since you are moving to a different state, can you now tell us what state you've been living in? Is it Washington? Just curious!! I'm originally from the east coast, but I've lived in Washington state for 28 years, most of those years in Bellingham. Good luck with the move!

    1. Yes, Washington. Bellingham is such a nice area, one of my favorites. The rest of it around here? yuck - and I have lived here 51 years.

  2. Why don't you just go ahead and get both dogs done at the same time since Dec is right around the corner. That would save you a 50 mile drive. We love the newest season if Longmire.

    1. I guess I should have explained that better! I was going to do both dogs at same time, but with the short notice and I really only have Friday available to do this before we move, the vet only had 1 appt. available :/

  3. I am so glad things are now moving forward. How long are you planning to live in the new house you are buying? In other words I am curious about how long it will take to build the home you would like. I have lived in the US back in the early 90s in NY state. I am familiar with the East and West Coasts of the US plus Texas and Arizona but I have never been to the states in the middle of the country and the ones up north. I come to the US every few years for a vacation since I have some amazing friends I have met back in the 90s. I also have a an event I must attend every year in Las Vegas due to my new job. I work for a company in the IT indsutry.

    1. We are planning to live in the new house at least a year and a half or so. Part of the headache with all this was every lender I applied for a construction loan with said we needed to be 7 years past bankruptcy, so we currently still have until Dec 1 2017 to wait now. We can't start building in winter due to cold climate, so at the earliest we will start spring of 2018. The builder said about 4 months to build. We are going to have some of the site work done with cash as we wait, so that won't have to be part of the construction loan/end loan.

  4. So happy for you! So happy things are moving along. Gosh, it must feel so good, right?
    Anyway, I have the $7.99 plain Netflix and I love it. Who needs HD?? Duh. Netflix just announced that they plan on streaming 50% of their own content, which is super fine with me. I'm engrossed in Orange is the New Black right now. OMFG! Adore it. I stream it on my iPad late at night. Brilliant.
    I loved Bloodline and some other Netflix originals. So nice to watch top quality entertainment. In other words, don't give up your Netflix. get the 1st month free. It is a new household, right? And then get the $8 choice.
    Have fun!! Enjoy your life. These are our best times!

    1. You are so right! It's time for some relaxation and enjoyment in life and $8 is worth it. I'll have to check out those other shows you mentioned, too!

  5. Love Longmire! I think I will try for the "trial" membership and just binge watch it.

    1. It is a great show. I especially like Lou Diamond Phillips as Henry Standing Bear. The books are awesome too.
