Thursday, September 22, 2016

A not-planned afternoon of visiting

I had a really nice lunch visit with my old friend and so good to get a chance to see her again before I move. We got to spend about an hour and a half together, but I needed to get back home to work and also, the buyer of our house was coming by, to go over how some of the things work, etc.

Right after I got home (buyer was already here) a Harley motorcycle comes down our road and into our driveway. It was some very old friends! This guy used to work for DH, but it's been at least 10 years now (dh went out of business like 8 years ago). He had worked for DH for 8 years, so quite a long time. We knew his wife really well too. DH was off in the back yard with the buyer and her friend and I went to greet them in the driveway and gave them both big hugs :)  He had just reconnected with DH on Facebook and realized we are moving so wanted to see us before we leave. They were here almost 3 hours.

So, by the time they left and I actually got to sit back down at my desk (which is now at the dining table) it was 4pm! Yikes. I didn't get any work done this afternoon, so I made up what I could in missed time, while I wait for DD to get here. She's on track for a 3 hour trip here, LOL.

It ended up being 3 hours and 20 minutes to go 70 miles. Yup.

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