Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Pizza Pizza!

I've been craving pizza, but lately dh has said it's not sounding good (with his stomach issues). Since half the time I have something different than he now eats for dinner anyway, I told him I'm craving pizza, so I'm just going to take out half of the frozen dinner rolls for the crust and just make a small pizza....unless he wants some pizza? (I ask, because as soon as I would be there eating my small pizza, he'd want some!) and he said he'll have pizza, too. LOL, So, I got pizza for dinner last night. Yum. There's enough left for me to have for dinner tonight, while he has whatever sounds good to him.

DD and SIL (we have a group messenger chat) always message us and dd was sending some pics of where they had taken a day trip to last Saturday. DH had asked which route they went to get there (by boat or drive the long way). She said they took the long route and when they got home saw the round trip miles for the day were 432. SIL said "we could have driven to your house!" LOL. 

I had an easy payroll day, yesterday, for a change. Always makes for a good rest of the day when that happens. My boss did finally tell me she gave me a raise ;) 

I think I mentioned that 2 of half-sis's step brothers (there are 4 of them) are making her step dad's passing and will difficult already (and one of them is supposed to be the co-executor with her). She's been considering just declining to be co-executor. I know myself and her boyfriend are telling her to do this. Well, she had a phone consult with the estate attorney yesterday and said she chickened out about asking how to go about declining it. Sigh....I had also asked her if this step brother is is co-executor is actually going to share in any of the work to probate the will? Nope, she will end up taking care of it all. I think part of why she decided not to inquire about how to decline is because she had a long talk with the "good" step brother (who lives in the states). He is on his way back up there and said he will have a meeting with them, including her, and tell them to knock this shit off, so I think she is hoping that's going to work. 

We are in the process of changing banks at work, so my boss has been emailing all the companies who send us ACH payments, to let them know of the bank change. Half of them are either calling or emailing me to verify this is legit, because I am the one they always deal with, not her, LOL (who is this lady? LOL). But, that's good they are being cautious and double checking.

Dh is still working on building the big drawers for underneath his big wood work bench. He was able to use some more of his scrap lumber (that he hasn't burned yet LOL) on it, so that's good. He originally didn't think the scrap pieces would be the right length, so that's why he put them in the burn stack, but then realized they would work out ok. 


  1. I am glad your step-sister is getting some backup from a good brother. But, I feel the bf advice is worthless because he probably only wants her to back out to control her and to make his life easier if she is not focusing on death and focusing on him.

    1. You are spot on! I asked her if he was being supportive with advice on whether she should be co-executor and he told her not to do it...because you guessed was taking time away from her housekeeping and chores on his ranch!

  2. Your sister's partner makes me sick, ugh!!!!!! I hope her good half brother can help move the situation along. She is surrounded by men who are losers, quite frankly. Meanwhile, congrats on your raise that you were totally shocked by ;) ;)

    1. the part that makes me sad is she thinks she has to put up with them (and her "I'm a victim" sister) and always be unhappy. She's so afraid of standing up for herself. She's such a good person and tries so hard with everyone. I did pretend to be surprised by the raise LOL.

    2. LOL! I chuckle at you pretending to be surprised, haha! I agree, I feel sad for your sister - folks take advantage of sweet people like her and then she just is scared to stand up to these moochers and users.

    3. I'm not sure she'll ever make the move to leave him - every so often she gets some crumbs from him, where he was nice to her that day, and so then of course she's happy for a short bit. But add in that she has absolutely no financial protection for her future (ie older years) and that would be the deal breaker for me, with it all.

    4. I am perpetually single but you know what... it is easier than some of the other unfortunate scenarios out there. :(
