Monday, February 3, 2025

Savings and snow

I use these circles of canadian bacon ham for dh's breakfast egg sandwiches. I recently noticed there is another brand that sells them, much cheaper, so I decided to buy a package to see if dh would notice the difference. Taste wise they taste the same to me. Size wise, they are just a bit smaller and thinner. I have now been using this new ham on his breakfast sandwiches for the past week and he hasn't noticed. I've had to give it that long, before I called it a success, LOL. I did the math and it will save me about $7 a month off our grocery bill. If my hen keeps laying, now, and say I get 2 dozen eggs from her a month, that will be about $14 savings per month, until she slows down/stops again next fall. I've started watching Marketplace to see if anyone has a hen or two they want to get rid of. So far, the closest was 125 miles away LOL, but that's how it is when you live in such a rural area.

I also bought a jug of Great Value sweet tea (sugar free) instead of the Milo's. DH likes to drink this. He had finished up the Milo's early last week but then didn't have any for quite a few days, as he was having the smoothies I've started making. I gave him the new sweet tea yesterday and he didn't comment on any taste difference. I can't tell him I'm trying something different, of course, or he will automatically think he doesn't like it. The GV is .50 less per gallon jug.

I am super happy to log into the IRS where's my refund this morning and see my mom's tax return has been approved and payment is being processed. Yay! Last year was such a hassle and this got done in 10 days. Her state return is still in review mode and last year that one was the one that came within like a week.

We got a bit more snow yesterday, but not much. When I let Amos out yesterday morning, this is what we saw later, once it got light out.

LOL - we weren't sure if maybe he slipped as before it had snowed the concrete was a bit icy. He made this mess and turned around and wanted right back in.

Then yesterday early evening I let him out the back patio and video taped this. So, I think we now have our answer what went on in the morning at the laundry room door, haha 

We are supposed to be getting more snow this week.


  1. Amos, LOL! Just a light inspection is enough for him, and I have to say I agree!

    1. First I posted the wrong video and then realized and fixed it.

    2. ahhh ok! LOL! His butt print in the snow cracks me up

  2. Cat's are such funny creatures. My cat refuses to touch the snow.
