Monday, February 17, 2025

Let's begin the week :)

Happy Monday. I'm going to start out with a positive attitude about Monday anyway, LOL. No holiday from work for me. We don't get this day off.

Dh got both planter boxes finished. He had just enough of that black sealant goop to coat the insides. I guess this means I'll need more flowers this spring ;) I wish I could just order flats of annuals to be delivered haha. Or maybe I'll try a few veggies in them? Are they too small for that? I'd like to try tomatoes again.

So, he's managed to get rid of extra lumber taking up space in his shop and got to dispose of 3 cans of stain and sealant out. We used up one of the cans of stain (just quart sized) and he used up the sealant stuff. He thought he had 2 cans of the sealant, but the other can was some REALLY old white stuff he had used like 15 or more years ago to seal the top of a car trailer. When he opened it and realized what it was - of course it was no good, so he will dispose. 

While he was out plowing yesterday, I vacuumed the upstairs. Watered my 2 plants. I'm amazed they are still alive. Collected my one egg from the chicken. She's on a schedule, 2 days on, 1 day off. It's working out great for both of us, LOL.

For dinner we used the leftover meatloaf for meatloaf sandwiches and also had a salad. It's nice to be able to use leftovers once in awhile. DH is not much of a leftovers type of person. Usually, if I use up leftovers it's as a lunch for me, or a dinner for me and I'll make him a burger for dinner. I'm hoping once I'm retired, I'll be able to have more time to plan out more meals and utilize leftovers more.  

I see we got a little more snow last night and today is supposed to snow off and on. It's lightly snowing now. We really are getting closer to spring, haha. I remember when we first came over here to look at houses (we weren't planning to buy land/build) and we decided to take a look at this property. It was the 3rd week of February and not a bit of snow on the ground. Also hard to believe that was 9 years ago! Dang!


  1. Those planters are deep enough for vegetables. They would work for tomatoes. If you worry about Amos using them for his bathroom, take plastic forks and stick the handles down all over, thickly. He won't bother the dirt.
    I have wondered if that black goop was as good as it sounds on the tv ads.
    Maybe when you retire, you can batch cook. The food won't be made that day for him, but it still won't be leftovers. I am not thinking of these people who cook 50 meals in one day. However, I do envy them.

    1. I think I will try one for tomatoes. Yes, we do have a bit of issues with Amos, but then once all the flowers seem to fill in, he leaves them alone. Great idea about the forks. My dd sometimes makes meals for the week, in advance.

  2. They turned out nice! You could plant veggies or herbs in them with some marigolds to keep bugs away. That would look nice.

  3. really like the boxes.Mine did not work for zuchini or peppers. Might just be the gardener. I'm doing flowers this year in them to enjoy and vegetables, attempt again, in the raised beds I bought.

    1. pretty much any of my issues are due to the gardener LOL

  4. 9 years, wow! Toronto got a LOT of snow for Toronto, I thought of your DH and his plow. I am sick of snow, lol!

    1. I saw some of those snow reports from up there. Dh would love it, LOL.
