Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Refunds and purchases

My mom's state tax refund showed up in her checking this morning, so I can stop watching for that one now. Now, the final item is just her last social security payment still owed. 

DH's new towing mirrors got delivered yesterday. Via UPS, so that's always later in the day, typically around dinner time. He was going to wait until today to install them, but decided to do it last night. I'm not sure how long it took him - 2-3 hours I think. At one point he needed a few minutes of help and it looked like quite the project. He had the door panel inside the door off and was having me hold the mirror while he figured out what wiring went where. He's very happy with them and has wanted towing mirrors on that truck for years and years. These were my Christmas gift to him and since I was expecting to have to pay like $500 for (original) mirrors, he could only find aftermarket and they were only $165. So, yesterday he also ordered a cover for this truck, since it's mostly just stored in the garage. The one he found was $199, but I found a 15% off code for this car cover site and saved $30 on it.

I've become a bit annoyed with PayPal lately. They have the option to set a preferred payment method. I have my paypal credit card set as the preferred method. So, when checking out during purchases, some sites have "pay with paypal" option. I have used that lots of times in the past, with no problems. Plus, if I use this method, I'm supposed to get 3% cashback on these methods of purchases, instead of 1.5% (and this has worked fine in the past). Two or 3 times, recently, I have used paypal to checkout of a purchase and without even showing me what method it got charged to, the purchase is going through and NOT using my preferred method. It's using my back up method of my checking. VERY annoying. One purchase was my grocery order with Walmart. I want it on the card so I at least earn 1.5% cash back. I had noticed Walmart has a check out with paypal option, so I clicked on that (to see if it would then earn me the 3% rate) and it pulled the payment from my checking. The same thing happened with a Target purchase. And it doesn't even give you any warning to show which payment method it's using. I've tried to google the issue and it just sounds like Paypal just does whatever it decides it wants to do, so I don't even see a reason to set a preferred payment method. Stupid. I do have a message about it into their customer service, but I'm sure it will be some stupid, vague answer.

Yesterday got up to 55 degrees! What a tease, LOL.  Amos sure enjoyed the extra outside time, though.

I didn't end up making spaghetti Sunday. DH wasn't feeling very well, stomach wise, so we just had soup. But, I made it last night, so that is probably what I'll have for leftovers and he can have his burger tonight.

Payroll processing is already fun this morning.........GRRRR. One hourly employee doesn't show clocking in or out last Tuesday, but also doesn't show taking the day off. I emailed her over an hour ago and no reply. Seriously - answer your emails! The other one is another new hourly employee, who already seems to be turning into a problem employee (and my boss just said this herself in a message to me).  We have set work schedules, but a lot of these new employees sure just seem to set their own times LOL.


  1. I process extra payments for our department also and it can be so annoying. I have a doc that is two months behind in turning in his tele timesheets. Why?? I just don't get it. I'm constantly having to remind them to let me pay them.

    1. We have that issue with our salespeople who are supposed to submit monthly expense reports and mileage reports for auto allowance. Some are months behind...thousands and thousands of dollars owed to them. I just don't get it either.

  2. I don't use PayPal anymore amd have mostly avoided Amazon. They were becoming too annoying.

  3. That Social Security thing is weird. I filled out VA paperwork some time in January, after hubby's passing in November. The last page was a form for social security. As soon as they processed that paperwork, I got his November SS payment direct deposited.
