I never could find a red ink pen around this house, so yesterday I ordered a pack of 12 from Amazon for $2.35. I also had in my cart an oil filter for the lawn tractor - for next year, I guess. DH realized, after doing the annual maintenance, that he really only needs to change the filter yearly, the other parts that come with the whole maintenance kit, he can change every other year, so he doesn't need to order the whole kit every year (at $92). So, we just have to buy the filter, for less than $10. He went ahead and put it in the Amazon cart, so he wouldn't forget about it (and so he doesn't have to look it up again) and have it on hand for next year. Both of these went on the $20 Amazon gift card I earned for doing that survey. Both of these were free shipping, so I didn't need to get to the $35 for min order. I also have a couple other items in my cart, but they ship from Amazon and I need the $35 order to get free shipping. I could just order from my shared Prime account with dd, but then I couldn't use my gift card balance (as the Prime account is under her name/email). Something will come up to add to the cart soon. It always does.
I still really need to clean up/off my desk. Geez! I also have a stack of stuff I need to shred. I'm going to do that right now.....I'll be back....
Ok, that didn't take too long. Most of it ended up being garbage and some of it I got filed away in the file cabinet. I still have a bunch of misc "junk" on top of my 2 short file cabinets. I will try to get to that during my lunch break. Just a bunch of junk that needs to find a spot to be stored, I guess.
I just asked dd what their Thanksgiving and Christmas plans are this year. I figured they will stay home for Thanksgiving this year (to spend with his parents) and come here for Christmas and she confirmed that is their plan, but I wanted to make sure, so when I buy my turkey's I know what sizes to get. Plus I want to buy both at the same time. One year I waited until mid December to buy a turkey for Christmas and had a hard time finding one! I'd love to do ham instead, but dh insists on turkey.
I am taking a week off during Thanksgiving - the Wed before Thanksgiving through the next Tues after. That will be nice. We always get Thurs and Fri off and I usually take the day before, but this year I decided to use up some of my PTO and take a couple extra days. I thought I had already put in for my PTO during Christmas/New Years, at the same time I put in for Thanksgiving, but I guess I did not! It won't be a problem to take it off, I just thought I had already taken care of it in our payroll/time off system. I'm going to work the 23rd, then take off the rest of that week and all the next week. Wooo!