Sunday, November 2, 2014

Birthday shopping

I got out early yesterday morning (well, by 9:30) to go do some shopping for DD's upcoming 19th birthday.  She'll be home next weekend, for a long weekend, and I don't want to take away time from her to go shopping then.  She gave me a few ideas.  I ordered the keyboard she wants for her ipad mini and a little crocheted coffee mug "cozy" from Etsy.  I had $15 in Amazon credits from Swagbucks, so the keyboard was $12 and the mug cozy was less than $10 with shipping. The other thing she wanted was a throw blanket, something like the woven/loose knitted style one I have in my bedroom for naps. I've looked at 3 stores and so far no luck. Everything is those soft microfiber type material.  Guess I'll have to look online and see if I can find one for Christmas.

Instead I got her a lightweight hooded jacket in black from Kohl's. She mentioned she wanted a new ring. Nothing fancy or expensive, but in size 5, rather than her usual purchase of size 6. Well, 5 is a lot harder to find. I found a few rings at Kohl's in size 5, but didn't like any of them.

So, I just kept looking around and found this necklace ~

Ok, I didn't pay $250! But it was on sale and another 15% off, so I paid $85 for it.

I'm not sure if I have mentioned our "owl issue" yet. Since about a month before she left for school we both started seeing owls everywhere. It was happening to both of us. Every time she or I looked on Pinterest, owls would pop up. Every trip to a store we'd see something with an owl on it. Now that Christmas decorations are out, I'm even seeing owl Christmas things! I don't ever recall seeing owl Christmas stuff before.  Apparently owls symbolize a big change is coming in life. We say it's a message from Great Grandma, saying she is watching over us :-)

My grandparents collected owls. DD doesn't remember Great-grandpa, but she was really close to Great Grandma, who passed away a little over a year ago. So, I decided to get her this cute owl necklace. Do you know how many owl things I saw on my shopping trip this morning? An owl coffee mug at BB&B, a sweater with on owl on it at Ross, then an owl necklace at Kohl's (not the above). I was going to get the first necklace. It was only $25 and cute, but then I saw this one and it's so much more dainty and feminine (and better quality).

I went over my $100 budget for her birthday.  I spent $155 total, but I did also get $20 in Kohl's cash back, so $135 really.  I can live with that.

I was gone a couple of hours and glad to get back home. Usually traffic doesn't get bad on Saturdays until after 10:30am or so, but it was already bad. I had run out of the little filters I use in my Keurig adapter, so it wouldn't brew. I really wanted some coffee and I still had a few dollars left on a Starbucks gift card and decided to go through the one that has a drivethru on my way to BB&B. The car line was so long, so I decided to to in. Long wait there and I asked for a tall white mocha. Usually they ask if you want whip and if they don't ask they assume you want it, since I didn't say no whip. Didn't get whip and it also just tasted terrible :/  Then when I was trying to leave Ross an elderly lady had a cart full of bags. The carts have this tall pole sticking up on them and the pole was too tall to go out the door. The security guy said, "oh mam, the carts won't fit thru the doors". But she just kept trying, blocking the doors, and I'm standing behind her wanting to get out! Finally, she figured out it wasn't going to work and moved out of the way.


  1. I just got back from running errands and saw your owl post here. If you need Xmas paper this year Big Lots has a cute owl Xmas paper, American greetings made and $3 for a big roll. Run don't walk to Big Lots! lolz

  2. The sixties was full of owls. I hated getting anything with an owl on it. Walmart seems owl-crazy, too.
