Friday, September 12, 2014

It's Friday!

Made it through the work week. Our weather has still been so nice and warm and no rain in sight for another week, it appears. Looking like good weather while I am off work for a week, starting next Tuesday. Looking forward to a week off, that's for sure. I haven't taken anything more than a couple of days since last Christmas/New Year's and I have plenty of vacation days available.

I want to start doing my weekly grocery shopping on Saturday mornings, again. When DD started working most Saturday mornings, I switched to Friday afternoons, because she likes to go with me. But.....she'll be gone in a week (eek!) and early Saturday mornings are so much less crowded and makes the shopping excursion much more relaxing for me. I feel like I can better think and pay attention to my coupons and good deals when it's not so crowded.

Today DD is helping DH clean out the gutters on our house, garage and shed, so one more home maintenance project out of the way. I will be staining the new back porch add on, this weekend too. The indoor/outdoor carpet tiles I ordered in dark brown, came too, so that project is on my list.  Here is the old carpeted "step" that is tearing up.  Not very inviting at the front door!

Those 2 projects should keep me more than busy enough this weekend, I'd say.

DD has 2 more workshifts this weekend and then she is done with work! She is so excited to be done and more than excited to get college started. I'd say she's done well in her 2 years of working at the restaurant.  She has about $12,000 in the bank! Plus one more paycheck to get before she leaves. She doesn't plan on working while at school, at least for the first quarter. She's on a wait list to add an accounting class to her schedule, which would put her at 4 classes for the quarter and should be totally do-able (most take 3 classes) since she's not working. She's currently 2nd on the wait list, so sounds like she'll probably get into it.

Yesterday was a great day at work. I was going through my commission reports and noticed a nice big commission payment we received, but the order was not in our system. Sometimes we get commissions on orders we didn't place, because it is ordered by a rep in another territory, but for a customer that is located in our territory. When that happens we usually get 50% of the commission, since it's still in our territory. This was a huge order of almost $1 million dollars! Our bonus incentive program is based on sales recorded in our system, not the actually commission dollars received on it. This sale was never recorded in our system, but it sure is now. That $1 million added to our YTD sales is a very nice boost to getting us closer to our annual goal and thereby getting a bonus this year!  Yay me!

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