Saturday, September 13, 2014

Free stuff

DD signed up for the Amazon Student Prime free trial, which is for 6 months of free 2 day shipping. I had read somewhere on the internet that the free trial doesn't include Amazon Prime Videos, but apparently it does, because I was able to load a tv show to my computer screen to watch, at no charge. Cool beans. Now we can add this streaming option to our blu-ray dvd player, along with our Netflix subscription.  I'll split the cost of the Student Prime with her ($49, I think) in 6 months, when the free trial is over.  Yay, now I can finally check out Downton Abbey starting with Season 1 and see what it's all about. 

And I just got a free $25 Amazon gift card through work! More cool beans. I didn't even have to do anything, other than listen in on this webinar with one of the manufacturer's we rep and they emailed everyone a $25 gift card.

I was saving up my Swagbucks to cash in closer to Christmas. I didn't realize you can only cash in for 2 Amazon gift cards per day and 5 per month, so I cashed in what I could for the $5 cards, since they are less "bucks" than the higher value cards. Then this week they had on sale for 450 swagbucks $5 Walmart gift cards, so I have requested 2 of those. Now I am back down to 300 swagbucks, but I have been averaging earning at least 50 per day and I have 300 pending from a couple of online purchases.  I guess if I still want to "save up" the points I could just buy higher valued gift cards, rather than small $5 increments.  I was able to use $20 of the Amazon gift card codes towards the mattress topper I ordered for DD's dorm bed.

I was a bit miffed that a discounted giftcard I ordered last Saturday for Petco still has not arrived. It says it shipped last Monday and only a few states distance mailing, so should have been here in 6 days, ya think? Pup will be out of his food probably by Monday morning. So, this afternoon I went to the nearby Petsmart. I found a $5 off natural dog food coupon online (including Blue Buffalo, the brand we use), plus it was $5 off a bag at the store, so I at least I pretty much saved the same % as I would have with my Petco giftcard. Just still miffed that now I am out double the money for 2 bags instead of one. I have sent an email into the gifcard company to see what is up. I have never ordered from this one before, so now getting a bit nervous.


  1. Well at least that petsmart gift card can still be used when it finally arrives. You made do for now and you still got a deal so don't sweat it.
    Nice going on that gc from work too.
    I am sitting here trying to figure out the best way to spend/roll a $25 +Up Reward tomorrow at Rite-Aid. It's feeling a lot like work and my brain hurts. lolz

  2. I love Downton Abbey. Watch a couple of episodes before you decide whether you like it or not. It kinda grows on you as you get to know the characters. They have an excellent cast.

  3. Downtown Abbey is hard to stop watching. The story lines suck you in.

  4. Love Amazon! Way to score the gift card! LOVE Downton Abbey!! I can hardly wait for the new season to start!!

  5. I watched the first episode last night. Seems pretty good, once I figure out who all the characters are!
