Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tuesday update

I don't know where the past few days have gone. Busy with this and that and spendy.  Friday I had to go into the office for our big meeting. No bonus, as I had hoped. Bummer. Just basically a state of the union address. At this point we are behind on meeting our 2014 sales goal, so probably nothing paid out mid year. But, jobs that have contracts won have really increased and once those jobs can get ordered and on the books, we should meet our sales goal for the year - we'll just have to wait until the end of the year to get paid the bonus.  Regardless, I work for an amazing company and am grateful and blessed to have such a good job.

Saturday DD and I kept quite busy and I spent a lot of money :/. We got up early and got the weekly grocery shopping done and put away at home. Then we took off for a day of errands and shopping. We got fueled up at Starbucks (I still have money on my gift card) and headed down to surprise my mom with some birthday flowers and chocolates ($35). She was spending the weekend at her boyfriends, helping him with a yard sale. We surprised her quite good and got a $10 yard sale find in the process!

                               This cute cedar 2 seater to go in our little fire pit area. I love it!

Then we were off to a mall to find a dress for her graduation, shoes that she could wear with both that dress and her prom dress and jewelry for her prom dress.  We found the dress to wear at graduation at the first store, so that was nice ($48). Shoes were another story. She just wanted a pair of black mid heeled pumps. Seems like everything was either flats or 6 inch heels. We looked at about 5 stores in the mall and by then we were both getting tired and it was past lunch time. DD treated us to lunch at Panera Bread and then we headed back to our neighborhood mall to visit Charming Charlie's for jewelry. But first we stopped at Krispy Creme to buy some donuts to take home as a treat to DH (and us). $8 or something like that. What a great selection Charming Charlie's have at such good prices. Cute necklace and earrings (bling-y) for $16. There are a few stores that have shoes near our home and we were going to stop there and look for shoes, but we were too wore out as it was almost 4pm by then.

So, Sunday we headed to the 3 stores near us that have shoes and finally found some at Kohl's. $48.  DD has been needing to get Microsoft Office program on her new laptop, so we ended up buying the Office365 deal for students.  A 4 year subscription for $80.

Then, luckily I happened to open my email on Sunday morning for my side job. They are getting audited by the IRS and finally there was the email from their CPA office with a list of all that is needed. I was able to spend Sunday morning pulling all the files for that year and organizing them. I found the perfect size box at work yesterday and now it's all boxed up and ready to ship to the side job office (in another state). Glad that's all done.  Hopefully their audit goes well, I can't imagine that anything major could be wrong. Between my accounting and the good CPA's tax returns, all should go smoothly.


  1. I got a Charming Charlie giftcard for Christmas, but we don't have any such stores around. I keep checking their sales online, but havent really found anything I could justify spending $60 on! (to get free shipping--the giftcard is for $35). Their stuff is nice, but I have had mixed luck ordering jewelry online.

    Good luck with the audit! Hope that's all they need.

    1. You should sell your gift card for some cash or trade it for something you could use. Giftcardgranny or some site like that

  2. I'm sorry you didn't get the bonus right now, but it sounds like it will work out in the end. I love your yard ... looks so pretty & inviting!

    1. Thank you! We've really been working on the yard the past couple of years. It sure makes for a lot more maintenance, but it's worth it.
