Monday, May 26, 2014

Day Two of the long weekend

Saturday was DD's senior prom. We headed out at 9:15 am to go to Walmart and finish up the weekly grocery shopping and spent $109. But that total included a $15 rice cooker and $10 in make up stuff for DD, that she owes me back for. My neighbor had given me a big gallon ziploc bag filled with rice. He said he liked the flavor but it cooked up too sticky for his liking. Other than minute rice or rice a roni, I have never cooked regular rice! I like rice, just never bought "real" rice before. I figured with my limited cooking skills a cheap rice cooker was probably a good investment. Tried it out yesterday and loved it! I see there are also recipes to make oatmeal (DD and I will use this) and chili in it, so I will definitely be giving those a try.

After we put our groceries in the car we went back inside the garden part of Walmart to pick up a big bag of potting soil. We stopped by the outdoor chairs to take a look. DH likes to sit out on our front porch and has 2 very ugly, old mismatched lawn chairs sitting there. I had made a comment earlier last week, I'd like to get something nicer looking and matching. I found 2 folding chairs with mesh seating for $11 each. They are a 2 tone cream and brown color and match our house colors. DH really liked them and they were comfortable to sit it. Our front porch is very tiny, just enough room for 2 chairs. I also wanted the folding type for easier storage, so a win win in my book.

DH got out of the house for a few hours to help a friend with something (I SO did NOT want to go help him with this and was glad I could use "helping DD get ready for prom" as an excuse!) and DD and I then went to her hair appointment for her "prom do". $54 - yikes, but it's her big day, and something she really wanted done. It turned out cute, but the curl (she had it curly down one side of her shoulder) did not hold long at all, so it was more just wavy by the time she left to go to her friends for pictures. I'm not sure she'd spend the money (well, I spent the money) on that again. She didn't spend money on getting her make up, nails and tanning as some of her friends did. She bought shoes that she could also wear with her graduation dress and with anything dressy, in the future. So other than her dress, which cost $170 (she bought months ago) she stayed somewhat frugal. She wasn't too thrilled with the restaurant her friend picked out to go to. VERY expensive. Just a basic salad was $9 and main entrees started at $30. She ended up ordering a crab salad for $18 and that's all, but said it filled her up.

On our way home we stopped at Kohl's so I could use my $50 gift card DD had given me for Mother's Day. I also had a $10 off $10 purchase coupon, a $10 off $25 coupon and 15% off and was able to use all of the coupons with my gift card. I got a blouse, 3 tops and a pajama top. With tax it all came to $54, so I just had to pay $4 out of pocket......and I got $10 in Kohl's cash to spend later. Nice!

DH was still feeling some energy when he got home and mowed the lawn. We took a few pictures of DD out on the backyard with the "park" behind her. It does look quite nice with everything so green. Our little oasis surrounded by "ugh".

She looked so beautiful and her friends mom drove the group of them the 45 miles (how dumb to have a prom 45 miles away! seriously?)  to their venue, while she visited with her other daughter who lives in that area, and then drove them back home. Us other parents thanked her several times, as it all made us feel better knowing a parent was driving that distance, especially home late at night. DD spent the night at her friends, where her mom put out extreme fixings for ice cream sundaes. They had to get up fairly early (friend had church) but got fed a nice pancake breakfast and DD was home by 10am. I'm glad my girl and her friends aren't into the big party scene. She said they all danced together almost the whole night and had a lot of fun.


  1. A note on the rice cooker: make sure it's filled and ready to go before even plugging it in. DH and I went through a streak where we burned up 3 or 4 of these things in 6 months, because one of us would plug it in without the bowl being filled and ready to cook. I thought we were accidentally turning it on, but after the 2 or 3 one we figured it was safest to just never plug it in before we were ready to turn it on and unplug it immediately after it was done cooking. The $18 rice cooker we have now we have owned for about 4 years and it still works perfectly.
