Sunday, May 25, 2014

Day One of long weekend

Day 3 into my 5 day weekend, but here's what went on Day One.  I have tried to sleep in each day and have been wide awake by 7am or even earlier! Oh well. Friday afternoon I ended up having to participate in a conference call with my side job's CPA and the IRS agent who is doing the audit. It was about a 25 minute phone call just basically explaining how system works to account for the earnings (which is commissions). I was a bit stressed all morning about the call - not knowing what she was going to ask. I would have rather been prepared ahead of time, especially with any documents I needed in front of me, as it turned out at one point I did and they had to wait for me to get it.

Then DD got home from work and she went with me to get my hair cut. Whoa! I didn't realize it had been 4 months since my last cut. I knew my hair was getting long (past my shoulders) but I usually don't go more than 3 months. I haven't colored it since then, either and at this point I think I'm going to leave it as it. It doesn't look terribly gray - more like just very blonde (I usually color a dark blonde/light brown). I think I'll leave it awhile longer and see how long I can stand it.

On the way home we stopped at Bed Bath and Beyond. DD wanted to look for a shower caddy for college and I wanted to get some little filters for my Keurig. I like to use them in my adapter cup, makes cleaning out the grounds much easier. I had always gotten them at Walmart for a few bucks, but they stopped selling them. $5 at BB&B :(

Then we stopped and had a piece of pie at Shari's.  That seems to be our new thing to do together about once a month, while out on errands.We take turns paying the bill :-)

Next we did some of our weekly grocery shopping. I've decided that for the most part I am back to grocery shopping at Walmart. While the other grocery store was nice and more upscale (well, just about anything around here is more "upscale" than Walmart), I think I am spending more, even though I really try to buy their sales. They  have great sales each week, but then of course I'd buy the other stuff I needed that wasn't on sale. $5 for a box of cereal or $3.29 for a loaf of bread - which are $3 and $2 at Walmart.  So, I just stopped there to only pick up the things on sale and spent $36.

DH was craving Chinese food for dinner but after our pie DD and I weren't super hungry. There's always more than enough for one with the Chinese meal, so I just picked up a meal for him. They had new take out menus, so I figured the price must have went up again and it did. Plus, they forgot to put in the crunchy noodles to go with the chow mien. With tax $12 for dinner and I was able to eat the rest of the fried rice and chow mien that DH couldn't finish.

After dinner DD and I went over to a store nearby (about a mile) that has a garden center and bought all my annual flowers. Those prices keep going up each year too. $68, including tax, this year.

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