Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Shout out to Mysti

Does anyone know what happened to Mysti from "Digging out from our Mess" blog? I noticed that no new posts showed up in my feed the past several days and she usually writes quite often. Now I see her blog is now private and needs an invitation. So, if you happen to read this Mysti - I'd like to keep reading your blog and hope all is well!


  1. I know, I am so sad:( I love her blog!!

  2. Unfortunately, I think Sluggy's blunt approach may have been too much. Sluggy and everyone else had a point but Mysti may not have been in the best place to hear it. I hope she re-opens her blog soon. Wishing her the best (and a little help!) ~ Pru

    1. Ahh,.I guess I must have missed that post. I was trying to get caught up today on blog reading and my side bar shows her last post about 5 days ago, but I thought I had read that one, but maybe not. or maybe I just didn't get to see all the comments about it....

  3. Oh, I hate that!!!!!! I've been out of the loop for a week or so, and was wondering where she went!!!

  4. I thought maybe I was the only one who had been blocked- I have read her blog for over a year now and could always relate to her life just trying to make a go of it day to day to keep debt under control. Throughout 33 years of marriage and 3 kids I have always strived to keep my budget in check but life happens. I kind of jumped in to try and defend her and thought maybe she found that offensive. I know some of the other bloggers did..

    1. I think she is like many people - working, young kids, way in debt and just trying to survive financially. I think I relate to her also, as I was exactly where she is, several years ago. Never quite able to get my head above water enough to get out of debt. The last I read was her DH's car died and I think I commented something to the effect of bummer news, but sounded like they got a lot of miles out of that car and hoped they found something to replace it soon. Was there something new posted after that or just comments she didn't like?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. ok, I didn't go back and read all the further comments, so didn't see she was starting to get hammered about it. I agree her dh needs a reliable car for his 2 jobs, but based on their financial situation I would hope they would see it prudent to buy a very used reliable car. And I'm sure, as in most people's case, if we looked real hard there are things we own that we could even sell and just do without to help pay cash for that car.

      Part of me reads her posts and just kind of see's the train wreck(s) coming (cuz I've been there and of course hind sight is 20/20), like the car situation. When you have a car with that many miles on it (wasn't it like over 200,000?) it's just a time bomb waiting to explode. Plans should probably have been in the works in the last couple of years to save for a car or getting to a point where the extra car payment would not be a burden when it happens - because it was bound to happen sooner rather than later. Plus, when you put yourself in an "emergency" situation - car breaks, you need a new one right away, it's hard to make good decisions about your money. Been there, done that. I hope she gets settled and everything works out.

      DH and I have finally managed to get ourselves where we have time to plan for things and not make hasty decisions. Those were always our downfall for many years. One bad decision led to another and it was just a bad cycle.

  5. You didn't offend me at all, Jett. I simply disagreed. :)

    1. Me too. I asked Mysti if they could live with one vehicle. Told her I would be leery of taking on more debt when her husband works for the federal government. When it became obvious that she did not actually want advice about the car, I hoped she would find a cheap reliable car. I did agree with Sluggy however. I guess Jett, you felt bad for Mysti, which is fine too.

    2. I do feel bad for Mysti. She is a likable personality, and I think she is trying her hardest. I think her husband is, too. I just think when you are already in a situation where you cannot make ends meet, that taking on yet another big monthly obligation is not a realistic solution.

    3. I feel bad for her too. I work with individuals with Autism. It is a stressful job. Mysti deals with this stress 24/7. I cannot imagine adding money worries to the mix. I just worry that adding a car payment will be the final straw.
      I hope things work out for her.

  6. I guess that I missed the point where Mysti got hammered. I am totally in Mysti's corner on this one. You need a car to get to work and they have a special needs son who requires therapy. Its more important to buy a reliable car to make sure you can get to your job.

  7. I really hope that she comes back, I have so enjoyed her blog. It is a tough decision to make as her husband does need a dependable vehicle and she does as well. Sharing 1 is not feasible when he has 2 jobs and she has a child at home with disabilities.

  8. I think Mysti's blog is so relatable to many people. Over the years she has written about many aspects of her life outside of PF. I want her to succeed and I will definitely miss her honesty and her life stories. Come back Mysti!

  9. I don't know that we were disagreeing with her getting a vehicle per se, but rather the approach to her situation of late. I think Sluggy was trying to say that if she had tried harder to cut expenditures, the car situation would not have ben so traumatic. Fact is, when you are 70 k in debt, you are IN an emergency already. It hurts to see someone in such straits

  10. I agree with everyone! Hope she comes back and also I think Meg hit the nail on the head, which is also what I was trying to say above.

  11. Now, don't YOU go anywhere, One Family! I enjoy your updates as much as Mysti's.

  12. I enjoyed reading Mysti's blog too probably, as others have said, because I can relate to the financial troubles. I felt that she was doing well in many ways so I'm sorry to see that she has blocked access to her blog.

    One thing I will say. If you blog and invite people (the world) to read, you had better develop a thick hide. I have been attacked and criticized also but I don't take the attacks personally and attempt to see the other POV. It's good to have that discussion, even if it hurts, because the possibility exists that we may learn something even if it angers or offends us.

  13. I completely agree, Quest. Mysti does take things rather personally. I have always disagreed with her approach, however, I also understand that even though she writes publicly, we are still only privy to her blog not her actual life. I do think it's a bit childish not to expect some people to politely disagree and to "take your toys and go home".

  14. See what happens when I don't visit the blog world for a week!?! I have no idea what's going on!

  15. I wonder if it may also have something to do about her discussing her marriage recently. I was not sure if her husband knew about her blog but if he read the posts he may be upset with and demanded that the blog end. I do agree though if she removed it because of a few "mean" comments that is childish. I certainly controlled myself when she was discussing her son's settlement funds. Her seeming lack of interest in learning how to best save that money was silly and annoying. That money could have been earning interest by now and she could be using it to pay for his outstanding medical bills which I believe he had some.

    1. She has had some dissenters in the past though and never closed her blog. She politely told them off and continued on. I felt for her husband about the ring he bought in Boston though. You could be right or maybe someone in her real life finally found her blog.

    2. An attorney that I use to work with had a blog that she would write during her work hours. That part was ok because we had found it and it was a funny little blog until she started bashing the firm and its partners. Guess who lost her job? You always have to be careful about what you say, especially when you post family pictures.

      Starting to think more and more that hubby found out.

    3. I could be mistaken, but I believe I recall her talking about something in a vague way, and stating her husband did not want her to discuss it on her blog. I think he has known about her blog all along.

    4. Her husband knew she blogged. She blogged from work though, which I always found interesting. It amazes me that there are employers out there that allow their employees to blog on work time. Would never happen at my job. Shelly, you are so right about needing to be careful. Just takes one person who knows you to blog open an "anonymous blog".

  16. I really hope Mysti comes back. I really related to her with young(ish) kids and just battling on to do her best. She was refreshingly "real" and I really enjoyed her posts! Come back, Mysti!
