Friday, October 11, 2013

It's Friday

I welcomed in the weekend by taking off work a bit early and going in for my annual physical. Was expecting to have to get comfortable in those stirrups and doc said they only need to do a pap every 3 years now. Works for me! I got a flu shot and my heart medicine prescription for another year and refills on the occasional meds I take for pain if my back goes out or when I have occipital headaches. Both are pretty rare now, but when they happen I have to have something stronger than ibuprofen. Otherwise I'm laying there in bed, can't move, with tears streaming down my face from the pain. I'll have to go back in after fasting for a cholesterol check and make an appt at the radiologist for a mammogram. Those don't bug me too much - I'd rather have a mammogram than an gyn exam! Though I must admit - after the first time I had a mammogram I did not ever want to have another one! It hurt so bad. I waited another 2 years before I made myself go do it again. But, this time I went to a different doctor who referred me to a different mammogram place and what a difference! I was literally out of there in 10 minutes (that included checking in, putting on gown, etc) and barely hurt at all. I made a comment to the lady doing the mammogram and she asked me where I had it done before.  It was apparently a very old place with old, outdated equipment and they weren't even in business anymore. So, it pays to go to a better place with the latest equipment - my insurance covered the same, either way.

DD has a birthday coming up (18!) and for the first time in her life she doesn't have a list made up of what she wants for birthday and Christmas. What do I do??!! LOL. I've never had to come up with ideas all on my own, I always have her list.  She did finally give me a suggestion this morning. She wants a women's Carhartt jacket for when she has to work outside in the cold and damp on Dad's outdoor yard maintenance and projects. A local store carries Carhartt, but I know they'll be $90+ and their coupons always exclude Carhartt.  I had gotten DH's jacket last Christmas for a really good price online so I did some quick looking around and found a dark brown jacket with a hood for $48.76 (regularly $60.95 and "compare" at $100 elsewhere). That sounded like a good price. And then I did my search for coupon codes and found one for 30% off! With shipping the total came to $40. Perfect. One gift down.  Another thing she had her eye on was an "infinity" ring. I have one I'm watching the price on at Penney's, but if they don't offer a better price than $80, I'll check Kohl's or somewhere else. Kohl's always has such good % off coupons and sales, I'm sure I could find one I like there.

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