Sunday, December 30, 2012

The week's happenings

It's been a pretty relaxing and enjoyable week off.  DD and I got out of the house fairly early the morning after Christmas to see what we could find on Christmas clearance. We were in need of bows, bags and tags. Two of my "wants" was a Christmas throw blanket for the sofa and a set of Christmas dishes (I've been wanting this for a few years). We found some bows and bags at one store that already had everything marked down to 75% off. Got our good friends annual snow globe gift for next year at Kohl's 70% off (plus I had a $10 off any purchase coupon) and some wrapping paper at Target for 50% off. I found a cute blanket at Walmart for $2.48 and found a dishes set at RiteAid that was 50% off and I had a $5 UP Reward to use so it ended up costing me $5 for the 12 piece set.It's a 4 place setting and I thought about buying 2 sets, but didn't really want the extra mugs, so if I need more than a 4 place setting down the road I think I'll just pick up some white plates at the dollar store to alternate the place settings.

I received some nice gifts. 2 sweaters, a new kitchen and steak knives set in a butcher block, Starbucks gift card, pj's, some super soft wash cloths, a candle DD made in a tea cup with a saucer (picked up at Goodwill).DD got me the best gift - a nice black North Face jacket. I've been wanting one for quite some time, but of course way out of what I've ever been willing to spend. She actually found it second hand! There is a local community facebook page where people in our town list things for sale and she spotted it listed for $75. Turns out she goes to school with the girl and since it had been listed for quite awhile she offered her $50. DD has the frugal gene :-)

Apparently my mom has been working on a surprise birthday present for my birthday next month. DD has known what it is and then my mom asked me to go with her "someplace" on Thursday to look at "something". I figured it had to do with the birthday gift but had no idea what it could be. But, I figured whatever it was it must be on sale now, haha!. We ended up at Sears and walked into the appliance department. My gift is a new refrigerator!! Boy, was I surprised. I picked out one with french doors on top and freezer on bottom. It will be delivered on Wednesday. I can't wait. Our refrigerator is about 23 years old and sure to die any time now. I got a stainless steel one and it will match our oven we had to purchase a few years ago.

Friday DD and I went and walked around the campus's of a couple of local private universities. One was about half hour drive with about 2500 students - beautiful old campus and they've kept the integrity of the brick architecture with the newer buildings. The other was just a 15 minute drive with about 3500 students. A good school too, but we just didn't get the same "feel" as the first one. I doubt she will go to either one, as she seems to really want to attend (and live) at one of the state universities that is about 2 hours away. We will go take a guided tour of that campus in the spring. All my stepbrothers went to this university. Whatever her choice ends up being, it was just good for her to see them and get a feel for what they are like. She still has over a year to decide. Then we stopped at the sporting goods store and she bought a new tennis racquet with her giftcard and Christmas money.

I was a bit sick during the night Friday and yesterday I slept a good long nap in the afternoon. I'm feeling better now, just some stomach bug, I guess. No big plans on New Year's Eve, as usual. We will stay up late waiting for updates on DS's race down under that night. He's had very bad luck so far - they keep having engine problems so he hasn't even been able to finish a race. The last race he was 3rd quick out of all the cars and then the engine went bad. Very disappointing to say the least. They can't get the motor fixed in time for the next race, but luckily he will be able to drive a different car that is available. We're keeping our fingers crossed the next night goes well and he actually gets to race without problems.

Wishing you all a Happy New Year!


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas and received many wonderful gifts! My sis works where they sell NorthFace, etc.. and it's VERY expensive, but amazing and warm winterwear! She got an awesome deal on that.. wow! Hope you get many years out of it! :)

  2. What a nice time spent with your family.

  3. Would you tell your mother it's my birthday in March if she wants to surprise me as well!!!

    Enjoyed reading about your Christmas.


  4. That's an awesome early birthday present. And that's definitely a good gene to pass on... frugality! Happy New Year's to you!

  5. I am glad you feel better and got a great North Face for Christmas. My daughter got one from my SIL and I love it on her. Very nice.
    I got some coupons from my kid and so far I haven't used them, but the No Attitude for a week one is burning a hole in my pocket.
    Happy New Year!
