It was a pretty uneventful weekend. Sunday I got my butt in gear and did some housecleaning - vacuuming, dusting, general straightening up. Watched a couple of movies - The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo (of course I always like the books better than the movies!) and Moneyball. Our ant friends decided to come back for a visit again - visiting Ds's bedroom this time. At least it got him to really clean up his room - LOL. He vacuumed (I couldn't find his floor when I vacuumed, so I skipped his room), emptied his garbage and his room looks great! We haven't seen any ants since we had the pest control come last month and they are due again to spray probably the end of this week, but I'll have to see if they can get out here sooner. Ds doesn't really want to sleep with ants crawling around him so he spent the night at his girlfriend's last night. Our new neighbor (the new renter 2 houses down) said she has terrible ants and Dh told her we have someone come spray regularly, so I suppose if the homes nearby don't get rid of them they just make their way to our place too, which probably explains why they just won't go away these past couple of years.
Our lawn is looking great. At least something Dh can do and it gives him a sense of accomplishment. The dandelions are just a few now and (sshhh! don't tell him!) I just walk through it every few days picking the ones that pop up when he's not looking and he thinks they are gone :-) Now we need to come up with a plan to keep it green come July when it dries out and goes brown. Dh has never been one to drag a hose around to set up a sprinkler. Our front lawn is small but the back is 1/4 acre or more of lawn.
I seem to be in a "lull" lately. Work all week and then it seems it's Monday again already. Maybe I need a vacation from work! I don't think I've really taken a full week off since I went to Hawaii last June. Just long weekends here and there since then. Can't afford a vacation and honestly, most times I need to go to work in the office just for a break from Dh. At times, it does get wearing having to care for someone, so a full week at home doesn't sound all that appealing either.
I also got a virus on my computer and Ds was able to get rid of it. I didn't even realize I had some sort of monitor with Comcast and they sent me an email on Friday notifiying me that my computer may be infected with a "bot" and a link on how to fix. I hadn't opened the email because I thought it was just one of their emails telling about one of their services, LOL. So, that is awesome to know I would have help through them to fix, if I didn't have my own in-home IT person ;)
Hope you get your computer repaired. It is such a pain when they're down.
ReplyDeleteUgh, you had a long weekend with the computer, ants etc. Hopefully, Friday will come sooner that you expect! :)