Saturday, December 28, 2024

More de-Christmasing

I got some of the Christmas stuff put away yesterday. I got the bedrooms done, the throw pillows covers off, all the kitchen decor put away. I got all the wrapping stuff put back into the organizer and tote bin. There is still LOTS to do, of course, but at least it's a start. On Thursday dh took down the inflatables. Mostly because he wanted to get them down before we are supposed to have snow. He still had to get them dried out (in the garage) after taking them down, as they were wet from rain. Yesterday he took down the manger scene and everything at our front entryway.

We'll see what I can get done today. Everything else needs the big bins brought out of the closet - more than half of the bins brought downstairs. I'm not sure if I'm ready to do all that yet, LOL. But, there are some larger items that go back in their boxes (easily pulled out of the closet) and I can carry those up and put in the boxes as well as I still need to take off the pillow covers on about 7 throw pillows downstairs. I can also take the garland off the staircase. Half of the sections have the lights out now, so I'll have to just throw those out. Luckily they aren't expensive ones. They are the one's Lowe's carries and usually puts on sale Black Friday for $5-$10. They do seem to last at least a few years before the lights stop working. To take them down I just have to cut all the zip ties off, that I used to hook onto the railing.

I got some new copper kitchen canisters for Christmas. They look really nice in my kitchen and dd wanted my old set (red ceramic type) so I was glad to get rid of the old set so easily. My old set just had 3 canisters, but the new set has 4. I decided to put the 2 largest where my old set was (on the other side of my bread box) with flour and sugar and the 2 smallest I am using one for coffee grounds and the other for monkfruit sweetener, next to my Keurig. DD also took my old coffee canister. 

I've been wanting to resubscribe to Apple+tv to watch the new seasons of a few shows, but one isn't coming out until another month or so, so I have been waiting - but there are hints out there from Apple that something is going on next weekend Jan 4th and 5th and the theory is they will be doing a free viewing weekend. I hope so - then I can try to binge watch 2 of the shows.

Here is a picture of my table set for Christmas (Eve) dinner. Nothing fancy. I got these plates last year.

Since we had the turkey dinner a day early (it was all thawed out, by the way) and then 4 of us eating leftovers, the rest of the turkey was gone by yesterday, for dh's lunch sandwich. I've just been eating up the leftover mac and cheese, which is just as good reheated. 

Since I have next week off, weather permitting, we'll try to go in and get groceries on Thursday or Friday, rather than waiting for the weekend. Next weekend will have been 3 weeks again, already. 

Has anyone ever made their own peanut butter? Since this new Ninja blender I got also came with a food processor attachment, I kind of want to try it. Seems easy enough. I just need to find some organic peanuts to buy. Seems worth a try. I've seen a couple recipes, one adds a bit of sea salt and a bit of honey. We were just given a large jug of local honey, off our friends property, so that would be a great use of that honey.


  1. Making my own peanut butter has always been something I have wanted to do. Maybe some day. You will have to let us know how it goes.

  2. I've never made my own peanut butter, but Costco has an organic peanut butter with dry roasted organic penauts and sea salt as the only ingredients. It's actually very good and great for dipping apple slices.

  3. Your table is pretty and you set it beautifully! I had a very similar dining room table (Mission style, I believe it’s called) but gave it away when DH and a kid found our current, solid hard rock maple set at a thrift shop. It was made in a furniture factory near where I grew up which is what sealed the deal for them. And, honestly , even as dark as the fabric covering the old chairs was, after close to two decades of kids eating, the chairs needed recovering, and reupholstering furniture is not in my repertoire of skills. Friend who took table did recover the 8 chairs, and when I asked her if it was something she would ever do again her response was, and I quote “f*** no!”

    I have never made my own peanut butter, and, surprisingly enough, we don’t like the all natural. But we do have a pantry full of our own honey, and a perfectly serviceable juicer (nothing fancy, but it juiced two full flats of Concord grapes, and about 50 pounds of apples with no issues) so I may be tempted to try. But you go first!

    I have to go “into town” today or tomorrow, and I am dreading it. Fortunately, today is mild, which makes the chore easier. If I go today, I will take some things to drop off at the thrift shop too. Otherwise, the bag stays in my car until Thursday. Kids always clean out their closets after Christmas to make room for new clothes, because I tell them I am not getting more hangers. I took a page out of their book and pulled a few never-worn t shirts from my own closet. I like the cut and fit , (St. John’s Bay) but the colors are just too bright. I thought I could get away with the red, as I tend to look good in red, but this time, while pretty, is just wrong for my skin tone. I prefer muted tones, or white or black. DD would take them, but she can’t bear v-necks, which is all I wear!
    On to the New Year! Enjoy the weekend!

    1. the table (made from trees we cut down) is more farmhouse style then mission. It has the X base for the legs, on each end.
      I only like v-neck t shirts too, but didn't really find any St John's Bay colors I liked. I prefer the muted earth tones, or muted pinks. White I always seem to get dirty and black just ends up looking like I rolled over my cat, LOL.

  4. Upholstering chairs is very easy.
