Tuesday, December 17, 2024


Yesterday morning, while it was snowing, dh came upstairs and said "Bumble died". We had this whole conversation where I asked what's wrong and he said the motor died, it won't go up. Bumble is what he named his big white sidexside snowplow. I thought he was talking about that and that something was wrong with the plow part/motor that raised and lowered it. Off he went to try to fix it.

Only I kept hearing noises right outside the front corner of the house. Hours later (because I was busy getting our bonus payroll submitted and other things) I go look out the window to try to figure out what in the heck all this noise is. He was working on Bumble.....Bumble the inflatable Christmas decoration! RIP big Bumble. He didn't last very long.

Bumble on top of Bumble (old pic)

Boy, we had a lot of snow that year compared to now, with barely a dusting on the ground.

Ok, I got Monday done. I still don't think my expense program syncing with my accounting program issue is fixed. I guess I'll find out when I have to try to sync again. Seriously, if it is, I'm just going to wait until after the holiday to figure it out, I think. I can just add the info manually this week, plus we don't usually have many expense reports being submitted mid/late month. They are supposed to get them in the first week of each month (ha! who am I kidding?!)

As dd and I say to each other: we now have 5 more sleeps until we see each other :)

I've been thinking about someday getting a new area rug for my living room. One that's a bit bigger, with maybe a bit of color in it. What has been catching my eye are rugs that have copper and blue colors in them. I'm always seeing those ads for the washable type rugs. And then this morning I see an ad for them, but they now have holiday rugs. How cute would that be to be able to change out the rug for the holidays!, but easy to store when not using it. I'll have to keep that in mind, whenever I do finally decide to get a new rug. DH would be "OMG - you have a rug for Christmas now?!" haha. 


  1. So, what is wrong with Bumble? Not fixable? A Christmas rug would be wonderful.

    1. I guess something wrong with the motor that blows the inflatable up. He couldn't get it fixed.

  2. I've seen those 'washable' rugs advertised. My washer & dryer are huge, too big really, but I don't think I would put a rug in there. I would think unless you have kids or a lot of traffic, it shouldn't be a problem keeping them nice.
    I like your candy canes on the front of your house. I saw some of those recently & now I wished that I had bought a couple. :)

    1. I don't think a big rug would fit into mine either but like you said, with no kids or dogs, shouldn't need washing. I just like the idea of being able to change it out to a different rug, haha.
      We've had those candy canes several years. I think we got them at Lowes. I remember we were walking by them and dh just had to have them LOL

  3. I think I'll stick with my wool rugs I get professionally cleaned every once in awhile....

    Kristine the Kanadiangirl
