Saturday, August 10, 2013

What a saver!

Since DD is still a minor, I am on her checking and savings account, which means I can also see all the activity when I sign online to view my account. She has over $2200 in her savings account! I was looking over the transactions back to just before she started her job. In September of last year she had a whopping $28 in her savings. This past year she has steadily put all her tip money into savings and now has $2242.  Plus on top of that she has over $800 in her checking. What a great saver she is. I'm so proud of her. She doesn't deprive herself, but she doesn't spend much. Gas for her car is her biggest expense. She buys things for herself, shoes or a tennis outfit, maybe a pair of jeans. She occasionally goes out to eat with friends or stops for a coffee. I think Amazon is her biggest weakness, but she's usually not spending much more than $10 at a time - usually a new phone case or some cute jewelry. She recently bought this necklace:

And she'll shop around for the best price and look for coupon codes. Originally when she saw this necklace on a website it was $29. She found it elsewhere for $17. She recently got a pair of $90 designer jeans purchased online during a sale and found a coupon code, making them $52 and free shipping.

She's really been making the tips the past few months. She goes out of her way to really help the servers and they all fight over having her help out in their section and most of them share their tips with her very well - she makes about $130 in tips on the weekends. She's also been starting to do the "to go" orders - where she runs the phoned in orders out to the curbside pick up and she gets to keep all of those tips for herself, so it's really starting to add up. She can start serving when she is 18 (a couple more months) and she is really hoping she'll get promoted to a server. She's already gotten to serve a bit here and there and decided she really likes it. If she gets to do that the next year, before she goes off to college, she should really have a nice chunk of money set aside and shouldn't have to find a part time job (unless she really wants to - which she thinks she does) while at college.


  1. Wow! You must be pretty proud of her!

    It sure sounds like you have raised a couple of very responsible, well adjusted young adults!

  2. That's great! I love hearing about smart, responsible kids and your daughter is definitely both!

  3. Good for her! I waited tables for a long time and made very good money doing it. Its a great college job.

  4. WOW!! Fantastic for DD!! I love to hear about younger kids who work hard for their money, know how to manage and save it. Sounds like she's got a great head on her shoulders! Hope they promote her to server - she'll be rolling in the dough! Love how she prowls around for better deals/coupons! Hey, she works hard for her money, she shouldn't hand it over so easily (like so many do!!). Good for her! My kinda girl! :-)

  5. That's wonderful.. good for her!! Geez.. my 18 yr. old doesn't have $5.00 in his bank account... :/

  6. Sounds like you have a smart cookie there and a financially responsible one too! Heck, when I was 18 I didn't even have a checking account. LOL Good for her I say!!

  7. She's the best - I'm so proud of her!
