Thursday, August 15, 2013

Changing pharmacy's again

Awhile back I posted how I started filling DH's prescriptions at Costco pharmacy because I saved SO much money there. And I do. $100 a month savings over what I had paid at Target or Walmart. But, I HATE going to Costco. Always have and still do. DH's 2 prescriptions are not filled at the same time, (I suppose there would be some way to fix that, but I never asked) so one is filled near the beginning of the month and one mid month. One of his prescriptions for pain medication is a narcotic, so eue to the laws, I have to have a new prescription every month and the doctor can't call it in. I have to drop off the prescription each month. Target used to be a 10 minute wait....Costo is a 40 minute wait. Well, I have no desire to walk around or sit on the bench for 40 minutes waiting, so I drop it off and go back the next day. Not the most convenient thing every month. Costo is about a 15-20 minute drive from my house, or about 10 minutes out of my route home from work.  I can't do any of it on my way to work as they don't open until 10am. It's only like 6 miles from my house but bad traffic and stop lights every block - ugh.  I've just been making it work, because of the savings, even though I hate going there 3 times a month (twice for the narcotic and once for his other pain med).

I don't know what made me think of it, but the other day I googled "price match Costco pharmacy" and in doing a little research I found out the the other major pharmacies (like Target, Walmart, Walgreens, etc) will price match everyone but Costco. Then I saw a link that Kroger will price match Costco. We have a store less than a mile from my house (that I do shop at quite often) that is part of the Kroger chain. I just called their pharmacy and YES, if asked, they will price match Costco pharmacy prices!!  Even if it's a long wait to get filled, a 2 minute drive back home is no big deal, or it's close to all the other places I shop and bank and I can run errands and swing back in.

So, no more trips to the Big C, no more waiting. I had got a membership there a few months ago, but I've used it only once or twice so far, because every stinking time I got in there the lines to check out are ridiculous and I say forget it, it's not worth standing in line that long for the few things I'd like to buy. Kind of a waste of the money for the membership, but at least I bought the membership through MyPoints and got 550 points and about $20 in free things with it, that I did get and use.


  1. I think Costco will prorate and refund the cost of your membership. We shop there frequently, but the one near us is a pretty painless shopping experience if we go during the week. Next burb over is an absolute nightmare no matter when you go.

  2. That's awesome. You should also ask them if they will be able to match the prescription dates, so you only have to do the prescription run once a month instead of twice. Every bit helps.

  3. That's great that you found someplace to price match so you don't have to make the trip to Costco.

  4. I LOVE stores that price match! I always wanted to shop at a Costco, we have Sam's Club but I hear Costco is better - but I also gave up my Sam's membership a few years ago when I started working & couldn't get there regularly. I agree, if you are switching find out if you can get them at the same time!

  5. You can actually cancel your Costco membership and get your money back - they are great that way! Just call them and find out what you need to do - you may not even have to stop into the store. With them being out of the way, and finding that Kroger will price match - well, that's a no-brainer! Good for you! Time is valuable - and sounds like you were spending a lot of it running back/forth for those RXs!

  6. Thanks for the info on cancelling the Costco card! I will look into that, for sure.
