Sunday, August 18, 2013

News and more news

So, do you want the good news first or the GREAT news first?!!

Ok, good news first.  I think we sold the extra car already - $4500. The family came and looked at it yesterday and called back today and DH accepted their offer. They are buying it for their teenaged daughter and I guess they have to go to the credit union tomorrow.

Now for the great news...........DS has been offered a job! A really good job, doing IT work.  He had been making plans to stay put where he is (in Canada) for the fall/winter in order to take a good paying labor type job. He had found out about the job (a mechanics helper) through the couple he has been staying with and figured making $30/hr for the next 6 months would give him a great nest egg to save for his racing next year.

After he turned in his resume during the application process they realized he has an IT degree and some work experience and have decided to hire him for an IT/Programming job instead! He already has an offer letter. $34/hr to start and full benefits. He will be training for 3 months and then once he is trained could be doing quite a bit of traveling to different field sites (company vehicle, etc) to work on programming equipment. It also sounds like quite a bit of overtime.

DS is beyond excited. He has found a place to rent - the finished basement of a relative of the people he has been staying with. He sent a couple of pictures of the place. A nice big family room with fireplace, a bedroom and full bath. Plus he gets to use the big shop to store/work on his race car. What more could he want? LOL. He will be paying only $400 per month and sounds perfect for him. He will be coming home in about 10 days and while here will have to take care of getting a work visa for Canada, but since he already has an offer letter, it shouldn't be any problems to get one quickly. Can you imagine a 22 year old (almost) making over $70k a year? From the sounds of it, getting into this job/industry will have him set with a career for life. It's very specialized.

So, soon I should be able to cut a few insurance on the sold car and health and dental insurance on DS. Eventually, we will also just transfer the tow rig he has with him now (the trailer is already in his name) to him and he can insure it himself and then I can just drop him off our insurance completely. I just want to wait awhile and make sure it's all going well for him, before I do that.

How's that for great Sunday news?!


  1. Awesome news!! Congratulations to your not-so-little guy anymore :)

  2. WOW! As a parent, I would be over the moon excited for him. I have teens now and I do worry about them getting through college and finding good work. Sounds like things could not have worked out better!

  3. YAY!! Great news! Glad it all worked out for him!!
