Monday, May 8, 2017

Not ready for Monday yet

Where did the weekend go? Too fast. Not that we really did a bunch, but before I knew it Monday is here. I kicked off work about a half hour early on Friday so we could go to the city and pick up my new glasses. The style is quite different than I've ever had before, so it's taking me a bit to get used to them, but I think I am starting to like them.

After that we went over to Home Depot and DH got the lawn mower he wants. I don't really think it was going to be on sale anywhere (apparently the sales are in Fall for that kind of stuff?) and only a couple of places around here sell it. Anyhow, we bought that (a Honda self propelled mower) and a few more plants for the yard and then went over to the farm/feed store and picked up 3 decorative wagon wheels I have been wanting to put out in front of the front porch. Pretty much my Mother's Day present, I guess. I love them!

Saturday we ended up re-staining the porch railings there. We had some stain to use up, but wish DH would have went and bought new stain that was lighter. We ended up using the Walnut stain we had left and it's pretty dark, but still looks better than it did. We'll live with it. (picture is before stain)

After shopping was done on Friday (it was about 6pm by then) we got a quick drive through dinner and then on our way out of town stopped at a little dirt track to watch some racing. It was fun (though completely forgot about bringing our seat cushions with us) and DH's friend and his daughter decided to come watch too. They seemed to enjoy it. It was over by 10pm and we were home about 40 minutes later.

Friday afternoon I had been outside for a break, throwing the ball to our dog across the street in the field. The guy who lives straight across from us on the other side of the field was back from working out of state and was working in his garage, so then his dog is usually out with him. She saw me (well, she saw the ball LOL) and came running over so I played fetch with her and our fetching dog (the other dog will not play, he just wanders around). She is 11 years old and poor thing sounds like she's going to have a heart attack she's breathing so hard, but she won't give up playing. I didn't want to tire her out so started to walk her across the field to take her back and neighbor met me halfway and got her.  Then yesterday afternoon DH was in the field on the side of our house and she was out at her garage again and came running over to play again. LOL. I went outside too. Then we walked her back home and talked with the guy and his wife for probably like an hour. He was trying to fix his snow mobile and couldn't figure something out and then DH figured it out, so he was really happy. We are going to go out to dinner with them on Friday evening, so that will be fun and be able to get to know them more. They are same age as us. They cannot stand our renter neighbors either and wish they'd just move away.

Neighbor hasn't cleaned up anymore since last Thursday night. Still one junk vehicle and car parts in the driveway. He brought more car parts in yesterday, dumped in front of his garage. He moved his two trailers to the other side of his house, but the big one is parked on developers property. (I doubt he got permission). Saturday and Sunday he had the big trailer parked in back, kind of partway in teh alley and partway on his back lawn. I'm sure the old lady was fit to be tied about that, since she seems to think the alley is her property. And true to his word, he knows how to make people's lives miserable. Has really ratcheted up the noise level, usually starting about 8:45pm the last couple of nights. Last night it was until after 10pm, they were out back. DH happened to look out our back sliding door about then as it was especially noisy and noticed the old lady across the alley (she's closer to their house than ours) flashing her back porch light off and on. Most likely trying to tell them to shut up.  Think she'll call her son on them? LOL

DH has been in one of his "funks" the past week. He rarely stops complaining about anything and I am so tired of listening to him. But it will pass and I just nod and agree with him, half listening. I've learned it does no good to try and convince him otherwise - that just makes him madder and harder to break the cycle. He'll get over it soon and my ears won't have to bleed for awhile.

The hummingbirds have arrived so that is making me happy. Our back yard area has become quite the wild life area, birds, hummingbirds, bunnies. One of our dogs will just sit at the back sliding doors and watch and watch. Keeps him entertained. One night we saw a big deer in the field next to our house.


  1. Since there are covenants there, can you call the police? Or, does the city have noise ordinances? I would call the owner every time he brings something else in. There may be no more houses built around there. I know we went to an undeveloped neighborhood and chose our lot. We were third on the cul de sac. If the neighbors who chose the lot next to ours after our house was built, we would not have chosen that cul de sac. You have my sympathy.

    1. Hi Linda - I have another post coming today about just your very suggestions!
