Tuesday, May 16, 2017

It's only Tuesday

DH and the neighbor guy across the street have become buddies. He invited DH to go out with him yesterday for a drive up on the logging roads (and bear hunting, if he happened to see anything). DH doesn't hunt, but said for sure he'd love to ride along. This guy has lived here all his life, so he knows all of these roads and even what's off on these even smaller "roads" (more like trails). Lots of old mining camps, ghost towns. Even a few small lakes. At one point they even hiked about a half mile back into an area, where there was an old mine. They were gone about 3 or 4 hours and DH had a great time. No bears were harmed LOL

This guy works out of state, 2 weeks gone, 2 weeks home, so he's about to leave again. His wife works here in town with the school. Of course, small town people gossip quite a bit, so while at dinner with them Friday we did get even more scoop on our crappy renter neighbors, as far as from her perspective of seeing the boy at school and the parents. Now that mom is working a different job and leaving really early, the oldest daughter they moved in a couple of weeks ago appears to be in charge of taking the boy to school.....one day last week neighbor gets a call at the school office, from the daughter and said she sounded half asleep...."Umm....I just dropped K off at school but no one was outside?......" Well, that's because school started 40 minutes ago...."umm....well there was no one outside to meet him?". YES, that's because school started 40 minutes ago!. Good grief. Maybe if the dad wasn't waking up the whole street at midnight with all his noise, his kids could get some sleep and wake up in time for school. I think she was late getting him to school again yesterday, too. Ridiculous.

The guy that owns the vacant lots in our subdivision stopped by again yesterday morning. Guess he was still in town. He said he went and talked to some city people. I forget who all he rattled off, but someone about city ordinances (noise, parking, etc) and also county land planner. He said no one wants to help, at least unless we have lots of documentation of what has been going on, so he just wanted to reiterate that we should be keep a log of any problems and any attempts to resolve, etc. First step is he's going to have his attorney write up a letter to send the the home owner and see where that takes us. He's a very serious guy. I'm guessing he's in his 60's. He just retired. His parents still live here in town, but he lives a couple hours away.

DH went for another drive, by himself, last evening. It was like 8pm and I didn't feel like going anywhere. He wanted to see if there were any elk in that spot we tried to find them Saturday evening. He pretty much hit the jackpot. Huge herd of elk, lots of deer, too.  They were all in these big pasture areas.

Yesterday was a partial success in fixing my work computer issues. My boss called up the bill pay service and added me as a co-subscriber. I then called back to tech support. Whatever was in the missing email I was supposed to get was how I activated the account. She walked me through it and it's working now. Bills got paid! I'm just a bit confused though, on the "accounting" of it. The payments come out of our checking GL account, but she had me set up a new GL account for the bill pay...so the payments/online checks record under that account, leaving a negative balance on my GL for that account because that isn't the account where we record our money.....hmmm...I ended up linking the "bill pay" account to our checking account in the GL and that basically worked to record the payments out of our checking money. But still looks strange on the chart of accounts. I might have to call back and see if there is a way to just have it recording directly to our checking GL account on the books.

I'm not quite there getting full access for my side job. I at least can finally remote into a desktop they set up for me now. It appears to be the same desktop screen I used before, my saved files were there.....but Quickbooks is totally missing! The guy thought he had it on there, but I said nope. That's just a backup file I had saved last, to send to our CPA. It's not the program, itself. How they cannot find that, I have no idea! But, it's still not resolved. I cannot believe I am on my 3rd week with this problem. I'm really behind now :(


  1. Nice to have some neighborly support concerning the bad neighbor. Keep detailed logs and hope for the best?

    1. they are great neighbors and said they are so happy they've got us as neighbors now. It doesn't sound like anyone really much liked the couple that lived in our house for the 7-8 years prior, either. He said he will keep a log too and do some complaining when necessary. His house isn't as close, since his property is on the other side of the vacant lots across the street, but they said they can still hear the noise he used to make at night all the time.

  2. My head spins with all that accounting stuff! lol I use Godaddy bookkeeping for my business, but even with that, I hired someone to handle the sales tax end of things. Glad there is people like you out there that enjoy this sort of stuff! lol

    1. the new bill pay is a huge timesaver for me. I can already tell. I just click on the bills I want to pay and click "send". No more logging into the bank bill pay and having to re-enter all the invoice#'s and amounts.
