Tuesday, June 15, 2021

What in the world?!!

Ok, I feel like I am losing my mind with my new mortgage company! Someone is playing tricks on me! LOL. Remember I said how a few days after they transferred the mortgage from the first lender (who I refinanced with, completed late March), they somehow posted an additional $2070 payment towards my loan balance? I figured they are going to catch it and figure it out and reverse it. I have my own amortization spreadsheet, where I am recording my payments, tracking my payoff, so I know what it should be.

When they took over the loan from the first lender, I had made the 5/1 payment. On 5/5 is when they transferred it all over. They had my balance from the first lender correct (after making first payment and additional principal payment). They show on 5/5 posting the total they had transferred from the first lender for my Escrow account.  Then on 5/10 is when they did the 3 transactions for $2070, putting in and out and back in as a payment (this is the error), but these transactions are noted as related to Additional Principal, not Escrow. Then on 5/13 they reversed my escrow amount and then put it back in. It ended up correct, but why the reversed it and then put in back in, I don't know.

On 5/28 they posted my 6/1 payment, correctly, and also show the additional $600 I paid, correct. 

Since I saw this error of $2070, I have been checking back with my account online about once a week or so, to see if they reversed it. I just logged in and no they did not reverse it...........GET THIS.......They posted another "additional payment", dated 6/10, for the same amount of $2070!! Where is this coming from?! At this rate my mortgage will be paid off in 10 years! LOL. 

I'm just going to see how this goes for awhile, LOL....But, it sure has me confused and mind boggled.


  1. Good thing you're ontop and keeping track of it, the extra payments are sure helping out on the payments you're actually supposed to make LOL :D

    1. they sure are LOL. I was trying to explain it to dd and she thought I wasn't making my regular payment since this other mystery payment was posting, so said better set it aside in reserve for when they figure it out. I said no, I'm still totally making my monthly payment (plus another $600). I'm not doing anything to think these $2070 payments are legit.

  2. And, these people are handling mortgages? Those amounts of their mistakes are not chicken feed!

    1. it's crazy! I can't imagine what is causing it.
