Thursday, June 10, 2021

That's a lot of rain

I was awake at 6:30 this morning (get up at 7) and then fell back asleep...until 7:43. Ooops! I don't usually do that, at all. And I was totally dreaming then. Some dream about work, but it wasn't where I work now, bigger company and a boss lady who had ADD or something, LOL. I couldn't get her to sit still and tell me what she wanted to talk to me about, or I kept having questions about a report and she couldn't focus to explain it to me. Thank God that's not real life, haha.

We're getting a deluge of rain. Over an inch since yesterday. At least no thunder and lightning to knock power out. I didn't need that happening this morning before I got payroll submitted!

DH is driving me nuts. He can't just go about his own business and ignore stuff. And then add onto that he constantly worries what other people (people he barely knows or doesn't even know) think. Now his latest is something to do with re-annexing our fire district out here where we live. Really, who cares. They are going to do what they want with it and whether they do or don't we're still going to have a good 30 minute wait for help to arrive, so whatever. Whatever property taxes we are paying towards fire service would just shift to that district, so probably not really an increase in taxes, like he's thinking (and if it is in addition, it's about $90 a year.) Not to mention, as of now they are saying where we live will be outside of that new district, even if they do create it, so it affects us zero. And then he just makes himself unhappy paying attention to all this. When we first moved here he was watching the weekly county council meetings online, so he could learn what was going on, who was who, I guess. I think they stopped recording them for quite awhile, but they are now again, so he watches again and just complains about this or that. Then he's all in a fit last night that if they opened this new volunteer fire station out here in our area, they'd expect him to volunteer and think he's a jerk because he would (have to) say no. I'm like who the F--- cares what any of them think?! Geez Louise. Even if he was able bodied to do something like being a fireman (he's not) doesn't mean he would have to say yes, even if he could do it. He is constantly so worried about what others think of him. I'm like I could care less and he's like well, they don't look at you that way, they do it to me...and I'm like that's because YOU LET THEM! He's been that way his whole life, so not going to change. The county council, town council and the other powers that be have all been doing their stuff, making decisions, good or bad, for years before we ever moved here, LOL. Us being here makes no difference and I'm not going to sit there and watch weekly council meetings online and get upset about this or that or speculate what is really going on...which his what he likes to do. I would hate to live in his head. It must be exhausting.

Then, because Mr. Neighbor mentioned that over half our property taxes we pay is going to the 3 school districts (which are kind of crappy here) dh wanted to see our property tax breakdown. I haven't gotten one yet this year, and not sure what I did with last years....but then this morning I remembered I filed it in the folder with my income tax stuff for the year, since that's part of the itemized deductions. I see the school district gets 70% of the property tax revenue in this county.

Payroll is done today and was pretty easy. At least I'm  having more easy one's than hard ones now.  DH just ran into town to fill up the gas cans for the lawn mowers. Might as well do it now before gas prices go up even more. Now, he's trying to find new tires for our car trailer, because the one's on it are getting a bit old and he doesn't want to drive 1800 miles each way and take a chance. Then he complains about how much this "favor" for friend''s wife is costing. Then he says friends wife said she wanted to give him some money to reimburse for bringing the car down there, and he told her no. So, then don't complain about how much it will cost! I'm honestly hoping he just decides to go down there by himself. He never heard back from "loud friend" about possibly riding down there with him, which either way he is fine with. If we both end up going, neighbors offered to keep our dog (their sons 2 dogs will be going back home before that), but knowing dh he won't want to do that either. I'm just letting him figure it all out.



  1. Oh your poor husband. My ex used to be pretty obsessive and he used to wear ME out! But it can't be easy for them either can it!

    1. I can only imagine how much he wears himself out, LOL. He wears me out ;)

  2. That was a lot!
    I would be coo coo by now.
    All that in his mind has to be exhausting. I understand wanting to know what's up & all but there's only so much a person can do.
    Whew :)

    1. Exactly. Good to know what is going on to a certain extent, but leave it at that. It's not worth the headache and worrying.
