Sunday, June 13, 2021


I finished up my sisters tax returns yesterday. Printed them all out so I could look them over that way to see if I missed anything or any typos. Corrected a couple spots I missed checking a box on a couple years and then reprinted those pages. Scanned them so they were a file for each year and emailed them to her this morning. I still need to figure out/do her FBAR online filing. It appears her accountant guy had to set her up with a user id and password to file, so she emailed him to ask. I'm still trying to figure out why he filed when she was under $10,000 bank account balance. So far, everything I've read says she does not need to file. If I'm right, then the only year we need to file for her to get caught back up is 2016. She was over $10k, for a bit during that year, because she sold her home.

I gave away 4 dozen eggs yesterday and still have over a dozen! Our retired friend stopped by to say hello. He'd been on vacation a couple weeks, so we hadn't seen him in awhile. I gave him 2 dozen and then I texted young neighbor down the street. She walked down yesterday with the kids. Baby in a front carrier. I had not met baby yet! She is so cute. Almost 6 months old now.

I didn't want to over do it on my back, so I just vacuumed downstairs yesterday. Most of that is hard flooring so easy to push the vacuum around. I washed a load of my clothes. I made my favorite 4 cheese and bacon mac and cheese for dinner. And ate too much! But, it's so good. Lots of leftovers, too. While dh did his usual weekend race watching on his computer, I watched "Serendipity" on tv. One of those movies I've seen a dozen times, but always cute.

My mom's days seem more filled now, I think, now that they are eating all 3 meals a day in the dining room, rather than in their rooms. Plus, it sounds like a lot of them get down there a bit early, so they all visit with each other. I don't mind skipping a day to call her now and then, now that she's got more activity going, people to talk to. Gives me a break every few days from the same conversation, haha.

I still have nothing released to read from my library waiting list, so I keep watching shows. Still watching "The White Queen" and I guess after that is "The White Princess".

I'm glad I recently bought a paper shredder. I can now shred all these tax return pages I printed out, that have sis's social security number all over them.

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