Friday, June 11, 2021

Putting back on my tax preparer hat

I am finally making some time to help my half sister, living in Canada, get her past years un-filed tax returns done. I believe she will also be eligible to get the stimulus payments. She previously had an accountant in Canada do her returns for her. She sent me what she had, so I could see what forms are filed, etc. But she had 2015 and 2017. No 2016. She can't find it and she contacted her accountant and he can't find record of it either. Seems strange that he would have filed 2015 for her and when he went to do 2017 would have known he also needed to get 2016 filed. I am going to have her request transcripts online so she can see if 2016 was ever filed. For now, I'll get 2018-2020 done for her. It seems super easy to fill out and just 2 forms, to fill out. Basically just report her income, then put it on another line as excluded foreign income. Now, she just needs to get me her annual income for those years. This really shouldn't take too long to do for her, at all. I've got all the previous years forms downloaded from the IRS website and ready to input her info as soon as she gets it to me. (I'm not going to comment that she's lived in Canada since she was 10. Has never paid a dime of taxes to the US, but gets this tax stimulus/refund money, LOL)

I get to start my Friday morning out with software problems at work. Not how I wanted to start Friday off.  

DH has his pickup truck all done. Just needs to take it for a test drive. Probably today or tomorrow, as the rain seems to have stopped. He found the tires he was looking for the trailer. Only took half a dozen phone calls, LOL. When he was in town yesterday filling up the gas cans he stopped at the small town tire store. Closed, by appt only, but dh could see the guy inside while dh is at the door/window. Good grief. But he didn't answer or hear dh, I guess. So, dh tries to call when he gets back home and gets voicemail. Whoever he finally got through to and told what tire # he was looking for (not a common type) the guy kept laughing at him and telling him he was missing #'s, etc. DH was like no, I'm not. This is the tire number (DH worked in tires in a previous life, he wanted to say to the guy I was selling/changing tires before you were even born, LOL), it's even on their website. Finally, after the guy argues with dh some more, the guy says "huh, you are right and it shows I have 2 in stock, but I've never seen them before". DH needs 4, so they are getting ordered and will be in next week.

He was fiddling around a bit on our old 1986 T-bird that is in his shop. It's sitting up on the car trailer (because there is no room to park it on the floor, LOL). He thought something was leaking on it but he needed to watch it starting under the hood while being turned on. So, I had to climb up on the fender of the trailer and then crawl through the window. I am getting too old for this! LOL. At first it didn't start. But 2nd try it started up, but no leak, so he doesn't  know. Then this morning I see he sent me a link to order 2 DIY parts kits to fix the windows going up and down. It's the gears needing replaced and $50 total. Hopefully, he can just work on it a bit here and there and get the things fixed on it that need fixing, as he feels like it. We bought that car new (our first new car) back in 1986 and put a ton of miles on that thing. It's still in pretty good shape. 

Boy, I feel tired this morning. I think I slept good, but I feel like I could crawl back in bed and be right asleep...if only I could. I shouldn't feel this sleepy. I did have my morning cup of coffee, but I guess that's been almost 2 hours ago now. IT dept just called and fixed the software issue, so that is good to have that problem out of the way.

I still have 2 months left on my 6 month Starz subscription. I finally finished watching Outlander season 5 and now started on the White Queen, recommended by my sister. Since I still have nothing to read, I can get these watched in the evenings instead of reading. I had signed up for the 6 months back in Feb, intending to watch these shows and then had a bunch of series books I was hooked on and kind of forgot about watching these shows. And since there are now no weekly evening tv shows to watch (I was watching The Voice and Young Sheldon) I should have some time to watch the Starz shows.

Well, I hear dh up and about finally, so I'm going to go take a quick break and shower and get dressed. I usually just wait until after he gets up, so I'm not making a bunch of noise while he's still sleeping. Then I'll get back to work and see what I can get accomplished today.


  1. My BFF's husband had a 1988 Thunderbird. He loved that car. He still misses it despite the fact that they are now driving a Mercedes and a Tesla S.

    1. DH just could never part with it, since he can't part with anything, haha, let alone it was his first new car. I drove it to work and school for years. Then it sat for quite a few years and when I went back to work when dd started school, I only had a few miles drive to work so we sold our suburban (we needed the $ because dh had started having his health problems) and I drove it awhile until we could afford something better. Then when our son turned 16 and got his license he drove it back and for to school. He loved that car, too, LOL. Turbo and stick shift, haha

  2. Taxes in two states is hard enough. Two countries would do me in. Men and cars, though my daughter loves the old ones too.

    1. I could totally see why she said it's hard to find accountants in Canada (and especially because she live in small town)who don't want to do her US tax returns. Plus they charge her so much and she doesn't make a lot, either.
