Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Busy day ahead

I've been making pitchers of Country Time lemonade to have on hand. A nice cool treat. I like that better than ice tea or plain water. Even dh is starting to drink some. 

I sent my uncle a text to see how he's faring in this heat (supposed to be over 110 where he is!) and he said he's good. He has a/c, so that's good.

Work is getting interesting. First we let go an employee in one dept a few weeks ago. I'm not sure if they plan to replace her, I haven't seen a job posting. Then another long time employee in that same dept. just gave her notice last week. Not good.  She gave her notice after she started her week's vacation. Why? probably because several years ago the company changed their policy and stopped paying out accrued PTO if someone quit or was let go. I am not a fan of this policy at all. I figure we earned this and should get paid for it. I'd be really screwed if I got let go or quit, with like 5 weeks on the books. I really need to keep taking days off. Since I'm taking tomorrow off, I should have just taken today (Monday off, too) and made it a 4 days weekend. Why did I not? LOL.

Yesterday morning we just got notice that 2 long time sales people are leaving, to go work for a customer. Both are managers over other sales people. What is going on? I did message my boss a quick message that said "wow, lots of challenges lately", but as I figured she wouldn't give me any details. Just said it's all going to work out ok. The first gal who gave notice last week is going to a different industry to work. These other 2 are staying in our industry. It makes me wonder how much of this is related to money/salary. No one has seen a raise in over 2 years now....it's not like the company is losing money, that's for sure. While we aren't making our sales goals (obviously unattainable in this economy/shut downs, etc) we are still making a nice profit. And now add on inflation, we are taking a double hit with no raises. 

Thursday we are having our quarterly company meeting. Still online. We get next Monday off for 4th of July and are also closing for 1/2 day on Friday, so at least that "perk" has come back (to close at noon the day before holidays). 

Shortly after I made my post yesterday morning, my eye finally started feeling better. I kept adding drops all day and before bed (and once a couple hours after I went to bed) and still had a little episode last night where it hurt for a bit, but went away and so far so good this morning.

After fixing my 401k to be in a more aggressive plan, I see it's showing more improvement now, so that is good news. My balance increased about 6.3% for this quarter just ending here in a couple days. My mom's total $ got over $1 million awhile back and she's getting closer to her next $100k above that, already. I'll bet she'll be there by year end.

Well, on to my super busy day. I'm going to need a nap this afternoon, LOL.


  1. It makes you wonder why so many people are quitting doesn't it. But then I heard that many people, having been furloughed during the pandemic, have given more thought to "is this what I want to be doing for the rest of my life" and more and more are moving on/retiring or just quitting!

    1. It's hard to say. I'm sure it's probably for a variety of reasons, though the two sales mgrs are related to each other (not married) so obviously that relationship played into their decision since they both left.

  2. I heard people don't leave jobs over money, but over management. I think that is oly half reality. I mean I took a pay cut to get out of a situaiton that was eating y soul, but I alos had great staff leave becasue they were woefully under paid, even though they said they loved workign with me and their immediate coworkers. (I had no control over giving them more money try as I might.)

    1. That's a possibility, as about a year and a half ago a guy was promoted to company president, in preparation for our two owners to work toward retiring down the road.

  3. Good luck on your day full of appointments etc. Yes, you will need a nap. Running around in the heat is exhausting!

    1. It was/is hot out! Glad I was just in and out, but getting back in a hot car until it cools down again isn't fun either.

  4. A shame that upper management rewards themselves, yet nothing for their employees. I can see why folks are leaving. Good luck today, and I am glad your mom's money continues to grow! - remember when we heard it would run out in 10 years or so?! ;)

    1. I can see some leaving after 2 1/2 years of no salary increase (though none of them know about the owners and managers still getting them). Yes! I still have that email from Step bro about her money running out in 10 years. It will be 2 years in October since he sent that. I need to go back to her statements and see what she had then. I know she had at least $125k LESS than she does now. Good grief.

  5. My scratchy feeling eye drove me crazy and it was just a week. I don't know how you can stand it.

    1. Eye is fine today. It only seems to bother me every couple/few months now. I probably just need to do drops more regularly.
