Thursday, October 17, 2024

Orders, reorders and returns

I'm getting very low on cat food. Walmart only carries what I get Amos in little 7 pound bags. Not very economical. Costco doesn't carry it. I usually either order online from Petsmart or Chewy and get the big 17 pound bag. But, it still never enough for free shipping, so I have to find other stuff to add. Sometimes I need litter, but I don't right now. I decided to get a 3 pack of flea and tick treatment. I don't need it until next spring now, but right now Petsmart was having 20% off (but not for the food), so I saved $5 on that, plus Rakuten is offering 10% cash back on Petsmart right now, so I saved another $5.30 that I will get back with their rebate.

DH had me re-order from Amazon, the John Deer mower filter kit he changes every year, after mowing season. I had just done a reorder of what we've ordered the last 3 years. Well, he had the lawn tractor all ready to do the maintenance (this was Monday) and opened the box and saw it's not the right parts. He was all mad, thinking I must have ordered the wrong one. I didn't think so, since I just did "re-order". I went and looked it up what I ordered and it was part# LG257 but they sent us part# LG275. GRRR!!! I am now returning and re-ordered it again (hopefully they will send the right one this time, I called the seller company to make sure).

The lamp socket I ordered came yesterday and dh replaced it on the floor lamp and it works again now. Yay! That saved probably $200 for a nice new lamp. I'm glad to have some lighting back, in the evenings, while I'm sitting in the recliner. I've been using the sconces on the walls, but that just feels weird, LOL.

DH is up and about now this morning. A little less pain, by the time his 6 hours between pain pills was up, but still needs to take some. The pain (nor the nausea feeling) is not gone yet. We're just trying to keep his diet really bland. And he's just trying not to do to much. I know he overdid it Monday with the 3-4 hours of yard work, which probably didn't help whatever is going on, plus he's been eating a lot of meat lately, which he should really avoid as much as possible.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

An unplanned day

Yesterday turned into a visit to the ER day. DH. He's been having recurring fever, ever since Covid. Since Friday he's been feeling nauseous. Monday evening/night his whole stomach, chest and back was in pain. We decided to go into the Urgent Care, that is part of my doctors office, in the city. There is a clinic that is part of the small hospital in our town, but needs an appointment, plus if it ended up being something we did have to go to ER for, and get admitted, we'd rather be at the city hospital. When he had pancreatitis 3 years ago and ended up there (for 9 days), after he wasn't getting better in a few days, they said they would have had him transported to the city hospital. They couldn't then due to all the hospitals overloaded with Covid patients.

We had no wait at urgent care, but the provider said it would be best to go to ER. Guess we should have just done that, but honestly with the recurring fever we were thinking maybe he just had some infection they could see via a blood test and give him some antibiotics and on our way. 

Of course ER was a long day by the time you wait...and wait...and then finally get back into a room to be seen. The CT Scan showed that the head of his pancreas and the stomach lining area next to it are inflamed, but it wasn't pancreatitis. The ER dr said he consulted with a GI dr who recommended he could be sent home with some pain and nausea meds, lots of fluids and bland diet, to let the inflammation die down, and then schedule an appointment with him at his office, as they will then likely schedule him for an endoscopic ultrasound, to try to get an idea of what is going on now. It was like 5:45 by the time we got home.

He seems to be doing better this morning. I could tell he's not quite as bad, just for the fact that he did sleep much better last night then the night before. I just called the GI dr office. He had seen a doctor there 3 years ago for his pancreatitis and then they did an endoscopic ultrasound and then referred him to a surgeon to remove his gallbladder. She started to say it's like 48 hours before they get the ER chart notes to review, so can't even schedule an appointment. Then tries to tell me he needs to see his primary care dr first. I said no, we already went to a primary care type dr at an urgent care, they sent him to ER, and now the ER doctor consulted with one of the dr's at your office and we're suppose to schedule a consult, so he can get an endoscopic US done. Then she tried to say that well, it's been over 3 years since he saw the dr. there, and after 3 years it's technically a new patient status. Then she changed her mind (likely because she saw that it's literally like 3 weeks over 3 years) and told me she won't even wait for the ER notes to come over, she's pulling it all now (they are linked to the hospital system) for the dr/team to review and then we can get scheduled for an appt. I should at least be able to make the appt. tomorrow. Crazy.

Now at work trying to catch up on 50 emails from yesterday.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Start of a new week

I managed to wake up at my normal time this morning. But, I'm not feeling in the working mood yet. My sis won't be working for me today, since it's Canadian Thanksgiving. That's good - I'm not feeling in the mood to train or answer questions, LOL. I can just muddle along today with emails and work on some easy stuff, I guess. Hopefully it will just be a quiet work day.

I kind of wish our Thanksgiving was early, like Canada. Would make the time to get ready for Christmas longer and not having 2 major holidays back to back. Sis has her own turkeys they raise, so I'm sure that's what they feasted on. She said a week or so ago they took all but 2 to the processing place. They decided to keep 2 as pets, LOL, as apparently they are quite entertaining.

Yesterday was just a relaxing, be lazy day, pretty much. We did try the carne asada for dinner. I've never had it a mexican restaurant, so I have nothing to compare it to, but I thought it was pretty good. DH said it was ok, but nothing like he's had at restaurants (a couple, in particular, and not around here, haha). It was from Costco, so of course a big package. I separated the rest into 4 "meals" and wrapped in saran and then put those in a freezer bag, to freeze and use later. 

Amos agreed it was just a relaxing Sunday

Not much else new. Another nice sunny day on tap in the low 70's. DH said he heard possible snow in the valleys at the end of this week. If it is it won't be much or stick around. Still too warm.

I can't believe in 6 weeks we'll be decorating for Christmas already, again! This year has gone by so fast.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

A broken day

Our trip to pick up groceries just seemed annoying, all around, LOL. About every other trip, after getting our order picked up at Walmart, we then stop quickly at another grocery store, where I pick up their frozen hamburger patties (I don't like Walmart's patties) and sometimes some frozen salmon. I know Costco has frozen patties, so I said to dh we can either stop at Costco for the patties or the other store. And grab whatever else we see. He opted to try Costco and we stopped there first. We got there at 5pm, they close at 6. Not any less crowded than any other time, sigh.

We found the hamburger patties, so I got 2 bags. That should last awhile. DH grabbed a few other frozen things to try. Some breakfast sandwiches, some battered frozen fish fillets, and we got some more of the mini tacos. I said no more - this stuff is all such large boxes, we'll use up all our (2) coolers space and have no room for our Walmart frozen/cold stuff. But, he wanted to look for some carne asada meat that a friend told him about, so we found that over in the meats section. I had also been wanting to find/try these "caramelized onion with white cheddar" chicken burger patties dd recommended, but last time I couldn't find them. I didn't realize there was another frozen section of stuff over by the meats and that's where I found them. I also remembered to bring my $25 Costco gift card I had received for my glasses taking so long, months ago.

So, we ended up spending twice as much time (and money!) at Costco as planned. We get to Walmart around 5:40 with only one other car in the waiting area and they got taken care of just as we arrived. Then we sat there, for like 10 minutes before anyone came out. Usually they are very quick. Two girls brought our stuff out and it just seem chaotic. Probably because there were 2 of them. We kind of have a system where I tell them to put the bins of cold stuff down on the ground at the tailgate and then I go to work putting the stuff in the cooler and cooler bags I have. Then they go over to the side and dh starts putting all the rest (which is most of the order) into the back seat (folded down) of the truck. Sometimes this all goes smoothly and fast. Other times it just seems chaotic - seems to depend on the Walmart employee, LOL. Usually there is just one that brings the stuff out.

And, since dh wanted that carne asada meat (not frozen) I of course didn't have the other stuff he wanted to make this meal - rice, refried beans and tortillas. I didn't want to go inside Walmart to get that stuff (it's too big and I'm not familiar enough where everything is). By then it's a little after 6pm and we are both getting hungry. We pulled into the other smaller grocery store and I ran in and grabbed those extra items needed, but still another 10 minutes. Finally we get over to Wendy's with a line around the restaurant. Slowest service ever there. Usually they have a very quick drive thru line. We were there like 25 minutes and it was 6:50 before we got our food and headed home. I think by then both of us had had enough of this trip, haha. That's why I don't like combining having to stop a bunch of places. After the almost hour drive each way, anything more than an hour in the city makes for a long trip.

Then going home this semi truck pulled over right in front of us on the freeway. So, of course dh had to complain about that for the next 5 miles. The only thing the evening had going for it was it was sunny, 75 degrees, and pretty fall colors for the drive :)

When we went and picked up our Walmart order 3 weeks ago, we were gone a total of a little over 2 hours - it was perfect, but we only stopped at Walmart and Wendys and getting our Walmart order out and loaded went really fast that time. It has seemed like going in on a Saturday, leaving our house at 4, was a good plan.

I guess I will be trying to figure out how to make him a carne asada meal for dinner tonight. Plus, it's a huge amount of meat, so I'm going to have to freeze the rest of it.

I think once dh is up this morning, I will make blueberrry muffins for breakfast. We haven't had those in awhile. I was going to just have him try one of  his new egg sandwiches he bought, but I'll wait and try that tomorrow morning, when it will save me time, because I'll have already started working by the time he gets up. 

For the first part of the day I got laundry done, dusted, and cleaned the bathroom and the shower floor. This time I just went back to using the long brush on a handle and some "Soft Soap" cleaner, like I used to use before I got the steam mop. Again, he complains about the smell "it's killing my sinus's". I said too bad - you complain if it's just steamed water. I have to clean it with something! If you don't like it, go out to your shop or open your den window. His excuse was that he took the screen off the window. Well, put it back on for the day. Geez. I've really had enough with his super sensitive smelling. 

Then, when I was dusting, I was picking up my "cowboy boot" cookie jar off the bar counter top corner and was setting it down on the kitchen counter and it slipped out of my hand and the lid fell off and broke into too many pieces to fix. That was a bummer. I have had that cookie jar for a very long time. My mom had gotten it for me on a trip down to Arizona, years ago. I think I might try to find one of Ebay. Or maybe I can re-purpose it - put some fake greenery in it or something. Do you remember the Reba tv series? In that show she had the same exact cookie jar sitting on her kitchen counter and it never had the lid - I guess I match that one now, LOL.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Another grounding sucess story

Oh! The (cruise) friend I had suggested she try the grounding mat for her pain issues - she updated me yesterday. She said her hip pain (she'd been dealing with it since before the cruise) was gone in 2 days and her arthritis pain in her lower back is getting better. She feels better and says they are sleeping better and she's not in constant pain anymore. Success!I'm trying to get my half sis to get one - she has a lot of back and hip pain, too. And she was going to order it last night but apparently Canada is the only country they don't ship to....weird. She found a Canadian website, for apparently the same products but twice the cost as US$ and no free item when ordering. I told her, knowing what I know now about how much it helps me, I'd gladly pay double what I originally paid for mine.

I slept in this morning. It's still been hard getting up at my normal time, but I figured it's Saturday and it won't kill me to sleep in an extra hour or so. I'd rather get up at my normal time, even on the weekends, as it give me some quiet time, with my cup of coffee (and my blog LOL) before dh is up and about. But at least, all day, I do feel like my normal energy level. It's just been hard to wake up.

It's very foggy out this morning, but supposed to be a sunny 70 degree day when it burns off. 

I had ordered a bp monitor and pulseoximeter from Amazon that arrived yesterday. DH is now wanting to monitor his blood pressure, ever since friend brought over hers and left it for a bit. Well, he didn't like the one I got, LOL. Her's has an arm cuff that the first part that goes over your arm is kind of stiff and I guess it's easy for him to put on himself and then finish wrapping to the velcro side. The one I ordered the arm cuff is all soft and loose and he said it's really hard for him to get it wrapped around by himself. So, I told him I'd return it and find the one online like friend has. I found it through Walmart (twice as much haha) and ordered it and printed out a return label for the Amazon one. It was going back UPS. We hardly even see the UPS guy anymore as almost all of our Amazon orders now ship through the USPS. But, I saw in my UPS delivery account, he was delivering to us on Tuesday with some lawn mower maintenance kit. I happened to go ahead and just put the return label and tape of the box right then. About 15 minutes later dh yells up to me, in my office, UPS just went down the street to deliver to neighbors, can you get that return ready real quick and I'll give it to him now? I said already done and gave it to him.

We are going in to the city later this afternoon, to pick up groceries. Around dinner time, like we did last time on a Saturday, and traffic on the busy road was less and overall seemed like a good time for us to go. We'll grab Wendys' for dinner when we are done to eat on the way home.  Going at this time, vs in the morning, dh doesn't have to get up early (for him) and I don't have to get up and start getting ready to go out as soon as I get up. We now have our whole day to do our normal stuff and will leave around 4pm to head to the city and instead of me spending from 4:30-5 or 5:30 getting dinner cooked and eaten, we spend it getting groceries and eating on the way home. Works for me ;)

On tap for today - cleaning house. I need to get our master bath shower floor cleaned. I want to use my steam mop, as it's so easy to clean it and I like how it sanitizes it (or at least I feel like it's much more, with the hot steam) but every time I use it dh complains there's a weird smell in the house. So, I guess I'll just do it the old/hard way - with soap and a scrub brush. Boo.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Sky view

I finally got to see the Aurora Borealis....because it's now getting dark before my bedtime, LOL. Got some neat pictures

DH went out on our back patio a little later to look and said he could hear a mountain lion nearby, so he came back in LOL.

We are still wondering what is going on with that 2nd 2 acre lot DAN supposedly sold at the same time he sold lot right next to us sold. Three months later the property is still showing DAN as the owner. The big for sale sign on the tree is still there, but there has never been a new listing put out for this lot. Bizarre. That lot was supposedly being purchased by the 80 year old guy.

We must have missed meeting the couple that bought the lot next to us. Their son had told us they were coming up to see it in September, so it must have happened one of the 2 weekends we were gone in Sept, for our cruise.

Yesterday some crew was out, putting what we think must be fiber optics cabling in the ground along the main road, out in the easement area. There have been little orange flags along the side of the road for what seems like years now, LOL. We were told that was to mark where fiber optics will go in some day. Not sure what else it could be, but the telephone companies website that has some info on where they are adding fiber optics right now/near future, says nothing about our area. It sure would be nice to have better internet one of these days. 

I am glad it's Friday. This has felt like a long week, for some reason.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

I remembered

About halfway through the day yesterday I remember what I wanted to check on prices with Amazon Prime sale. A blood pressure monitor and a pulse oximeter. Then we can return the one's a friend lent us, and have on hand. I also had recently heard we could get more free Covid tests from the gov't, so I ordered those to have on hand, as well. When I went downstairs to grab some lunch I saw the BP monitor and pulseox on dh's desk and then it triggered my memory, LOL.

I had also checked on the Optase eye drops I use, the first day of Prime Days and it wasn't on sale. Then it showed in browser history and showed it was 20% off yesterday, so I also got 2 of those. That saved about $4 per bottle. I also ended up getting most of dd's Christmas presents from the Prime sale, haha. I got her a board game she had on her list, a puzzle and a cribbage board. I still need to get her a birthday present, but it's too soon to order/have delivered and the Christmas gifts I will just have come here to wrap and we'll likely see them Christmas. 

Starting around 7am yesterday morning neighbors dogs were barking and barking. Honestly, now that they only have 2 dogs instead of 3, the barking sounds just the same and just as annoying. Off and on all morning. What the heck! When dh went out to get our mail, down at the entrance to our street, he figured out why. There was some road construction (repainting the lines) going on and they had part of the road blocked off, with a pace truck, that was using our street to pull in and turn around each time, so hence the dogs going nuts constantly. Oh, and the workers are too stupid to stop the paint line a bit BEFORE they are crossing over to turn around, so now there's yellow paint going across the lane and into our street. Nice. Hopefully they are done using our street today. I haven't heard any barking yet and it's almost 8am.

I see that the computer I shipped back to Dell last Friday is finally arriving at their place in Texas today. Kind of annoying that it was shipped ground (and takes a whole week). Hopefully they fix it fast. I was told it would be sent back via overnight shipping. So far dh using my mom's old computer is working out ok, but of course being old, it's a bit slow. But, I'm glad I kept it, as a back up. Just never thought I'd be using it as a back up for a brand new computer. It's fairly compact to store, since the CPU is built into the monitor.

I want to get into Costco again soon. It's been quite awhile since we last went and I'd like to go and get stocked up on some stuff for the freezer and other stuff. I wish I was more familiar with what all foods they sell (and how much the quantity of it is). Like eggs....I'm sure they sell eggs, but how many do you have to buy? I don't want like 5 dozen LOL.