Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Tummy troubles and what not

I ended up not feeling very well yesterday. Stomach issues and a few trips to the bathroom. I mentioned it to dh and he said he was having the same thing. What did we eat last night? I said you had an omelet and I had cereal, so it's not that. I also read somewhere that it's like a 36 hour trip through your stomach, so maybe the pizza? He laughed and said "no, not the pizza!" His favorite, haha. I said, or it's all the peanut butter cookies and chocolates we ate in 2 days. DH forgot he had bought a bag of chocolates to go with the flowers for our anniversary and then saw the bag out in the shop, wherever he hides presents, LOL. So far so good today, but I haven't had breakfast yet.

It's payroll processing day. Enough said about that. I am trying, yet again, to get a simple question how one aspect of our payroll set up works. Every time I've asked, it's been in the context of additional questions and she never answers this one question. I have a feeling the setting is part of our issue. Finally this morning I emailed her with this question and this question only. We'll see. I think it's just that she's new and doesn't know the answer, so that's why she keeps ignoring the question. Other than this she had been a much much better payroll "advisor" then we had before.

DD recommended watching The Man in the High Castle on Amazon Prime. I think I might give that a try tonight. DH is usually in his den, off the living room area, watching channels of videos on YouTube. The cat is usually either sleeping on the couch or in my lap for the evening. The other evening I realized I hadn't seen him in at least an hour. I first went to the pantry, because sometimes he sneaks in there when we open the door and then we shut it, not realizing he's in there. I looked in our bedroom and under the bed. I went upstairs and looked around and no kitty. I went down into dh's den and said I can't find the cat. He shrugged his shoulders, LOL. I turned around and there was kitty, sleeping on a blanket dh had sitting on top of a bin in the corner of his den.  

Did I mention my one chicken, that hadn't gotten all her feathers back, finally did a few weeks ago? I was so relieved. I think I did mention this. They all look flat and fluffy now, LOL. I'm sure she's much warmer now.

Ok, well I got a half an answer from the payroll person. Pressed again for a full answer and finally go tit. I'm not sure what was so hard to answer this, LOL. Ok, let's see how the rest of it goes........


  1. Even I know it wasn't the Pizza!!
    There are so many bugs going around this time of year. Hopefully it will pass (lol) soon. :)
    Your kitty kat has it made.

    1. We both are feeling better today. Everyone says our cat landed in a perfect life, haha.

  2. Pizza, cookies, chocolate should do the trick! Your teenage cat needs his sleep lol.

    1. it's the only things we've eaten the same. And with neither of us left the house in over a week, doesn't seem like it would be some bug we caught somewhere.

  3. Replies
    1. I thought I was, but my stomach is starting to gurgle and feel unpleasant again :(

  4. Good thing you work from home! Stomach issues are never pleasant and I think worse when you aren't in the privacy of your own home! Hope you get to feeling better.

    1. amen to that! makes it easy to deal with and take a rest break when necessary.

  5. Hope you feel better. As for the payroll support person, why is it so hard to say "I don't know, but I will find out and get back to you" The question won't go away if ignored long enough.

    1. It was such a strange thing with the payroll support person - she's so good about answering everything but it was like she just kept either ignoring or skirting around the question.
