Monday, January 31, 2022

End of Janaury

About the only thing I accomplished yesterday was getting the chicken coop cleaned out and new bedding put in. Always looks (and smells!) better with fresh bedding in there. Well, it seemed like I was busy most of the morning, doing what I don't know, LOL. Blogging, reading blogs, cleaned the kitchen and turned the dishwasher on. I didn't even take a nap yesterday.

It snowed some last night. Good, something to keep dh busy for at least a couple hours today. Not a ton of snow, but just enough that it needs shoveling and plowing. It just started up, with some light flurries, again.

I was putting some water in my anniversary flowers - that's why I like carnations - they last a long time - and dh says "I didn't tell you this because I thought you might get mad..." and proceeds to tell me that when he went into town to order my anniversary flowers he also bought a bouquet of flowers that were already made up in the flower shop and took them over to the hospital, as a thank you to all the staff who took good care of him when he was there for 10 days. It worked out good, as the girl that came out to see who was in the entry way area was the young lady he had chatted with one day there and turns out she is the daughter of a guy he was friends with all through school and the guys mom was dh's den mother in scouts. Anyway, dh handed her the flowers. She told him that at Thanksgiving she brought him up to her dad and grandma and they both remembered him.

I said oh that's nice. Why would I be mad at that? He said because he spent the money, LOL. I'm like isn't that why you have cash in your wallet - so you can spend it on whatever you want to?

Also, he was out in the garage fiddling around and noticed that my birdbath had cracked. It's kind of a clear glass/plastic material. We probably left it out too long, when winter started and it started to freeze up, is my guess. So, I'll need a new bird bath....or two. I've been wanting to have 2 anyway. Good gift idea for Mother's Day. I think dd got me that one for Mother's Day about 5 years ago.

Ugh, I got a project dumped on my lap 5 minutes after logging into work this morning. I'm sure it's going to take me at least half the day to do. I have to pull and save reports from 4 different manufacturer's for the past year. I've got 2 down, 2 to go.

Can you believe the first month of 2022 is already done?


  1. I think it was very kind of your husband to take those flowers to the hospital - and I'm sure they appreciated it too!

    1. He said she seemed very touched by the thoughtfulness and I'm sure the other nursing staff were, too. She said "it's a hard time to be in nursing, right now". I'm so sure it is.

  2. Hope the project moves quickly! I know the flowers were appreciated, it is hard to take care of folks day in and day out, and see very few thank yous. Good on DH!

    1. As I expected I just finished up mid day. Thankfully (and very suprisingly) I did have any other emails to interupt me.

  3. What a kind gesture your DH made. You've got a good man there! x

  4. Maybe you can glue the birdbath, put it in a far corner where it won't be too obvious and also get a new birdbath. It is hard to believe that one month has gone into history.

    1. unfortunately it was too cracked, all the way through in part of it. It wasn't very expensive one, about $30 at Walmart and lasted about 5 years.

  5. Very thoughtful of your DH to do this. I'm always happy to see January over with. Brings us a bit closer to spring!

    1. and February always zips by so fast, being a shorter month. Spring here we come!
