Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Stressful day

So much for thinking payroll might be an easy (-er) one yesterday, haha. Then, as I'm waiting for a reply from our payroll advisor to tell me she fixed the error message issue on a terminated employee, I decide to go downstairs and take out the kitty litter trash and give my chickens some scratch. As I'm reaching in the bin for the scratch my mom calls. Her credit card is missing. Someone took it. Here we go again. I said most likely you hid it somewhere, that's what you did a couple of weeks ago and we spent an hour looking around your apartment and found them in another spot in your wallet. Of course she has no memory of this. I asked her if there were any cards in her wallet? She says her ID is still there (it slide into a slot with a clear cover) and right then I have a call coming in for work/payroll issue so I have to hang up quick with mom and take this call.

When I called her back 10-15 minutes later I say "ok, are there any cards in your wallet?" No, none. (she has a credit card, ID card, insurance card, and a card from her apartment with her name on it - (for what use I don't know) "You just told me 10 minutes ago your ID card was still in there". She says well let me look around, I thought I had it, too. She found all the cards, including the credit card on the table next to her chair. Good, because I was so not in the mood to have to deal with that yesterday. Before I called her back I sat and took a bunch of deep breaths and told myself if she can't find the card I'm just fibbing and telling her I'll put a hold on it so no one can use it and I'll find it next time I visit. I wasn't going to spend a bunch of time trying to get her to look for it or trying to convince her no one took it. It's interesting how sometimes she knows how to call me using that landline and other times she acts like she doesn't have a clue it's even there on her desk.

The payroll tax tables must have adjusted a little bit. My federal income tax went down $5 for the paycheck. Wooo! LOL.

I don't know why dh's mechanic friend, who comes over here fairly regularly to work on his cabin, that is about 90 minutes past us, why he always calls dh to see what the pass and roads are like... dh is like I don't know - we don't need to go anywhere to have to drive on them! How would dh know? And when dh does need to know, he looks up the road condition on the state's DOT website, he doesn't call someone else to ask. Look on the DOT website, they have conditions described and cameras so you can see what the roads look like.

I was so annoyed with DH yesterday. It was just one thing after another. Then top it off with a loud yell in my ear at 4am that I was snoring! Well...excuuuuse me! He doesn't snore as bad now (lost weight helped that) but boy he used to snore awful almost every night for years and throws a fit when he has to listen to me snore every once in a blue moon. He acts like I do it on purpose. He yelled my name and jolted me out of a sound sleep and yells "you're snoring - you weren't snoring when I got up! (I'm assuming to go to the bathroom)". I sat up, so startled out of my deep sleep, said "Well {insert curse word}, I'm sorry! Just give me a nudge and tell me to roll over". That's what I do to him (usually a couple times a weekm because he will roll onto his back and always snores if he sleeps on his back). I grabbed my pillow and went and slept the rest of the night upstairs. First off, I didn't know he got up, secondly, I didn't suddenly decide "oh hey, he got up, so I'm going to start snoring!". So stupid. Whenever he gets up, gets in bed, or turns over, it's always this huge disruption to the bed and the covers, so ya, even if I don't wake up from it, I'm sure it jostles me from whatever position I was in (not snoring) and partially wakes me up to shift to a different position that made me snore. And it's not like this is a nightly occurrence - I snore like once a month, if that, for whatever reason.

So, it wasn't a good start to the day, nor a good end. Hoping today is better!


  1. Your mother has a card from her place with her name on it so that if she decides to wander and take her purse, whoever finds her has a place to call and get her back to where she belongs or at least inform the facility where she is.

    I think if this were my mother, I would make serious inquiries about the new drug for dementia. I wonder how much she suffers in her condition or if she just wanders in her mind to a new dilemma.

    Oh, in daylight and face to face, I would have to put an end to this foolishness of screaming at you when you are dead asleep. What if you just ignore him next time and he needs you but you think he is exhibiting this outrageous behavior. I would tell someone to NEVER, ever do that to me again.

    1. Well, that sure makes sense about the card for her apartment place.

  2. My heart goes out to you, that was our situation with our aunt. Luckily she never lost her ID, but their minds get so confused it is tough. As for DH, wow. No words. Not sure why he thought that was a good idea. You cook all his meals, LOL I would NOT piss off my fav chef by a mile.

  3. Let's stick our cranky husband's on an isolated island together.

  4. Is your mom's credit card active and if so, does she even use it? With her memory struggles, it might not be a bad idea to give her a deactivated card. At least she will still think she has a cc but should she lose it, it won't be a big deal.
    Maybe you should suggest to your dh that he be the one to go to another room if your snoring is bothering him.

    1. The card is active. It has been quite a few months since she used it. She has gone to the store with her guy friend a couple of times and also used it on a group outing where they stopped for lunch. I'm kind of the point I'm not worried about it really getting stolen. It's just hidden somewhere in her apartment when she does that, so it's not going to get used fraudulently. I agree about dh.

  5. So sorry for the tough day and night you had. Today, I read an article about Queen Elizabeth's sleep and exercise regimen. Looks like she almost always slept alone even when her husband was alive. It is supposedly an English upper class habit. Just a thought.

    1. I would love to sleep alone, LOL. So much more restful. My grandparents slept in separate twin beds for quite a few of their later years and then my grandma lived another 15 years on her own, still sleeping alone. Could be contributed to her longevity :)
