Saturday, January 22, 2022

Jet set and insecurity

With Facebook and social media we now get to see glimpses (or more!) into friends and acquaintances lives that we wouldn't have years past. I most likely wouldn't know that one of my high school friend is in in Hawaii this week, or that so and so just had a baby, etc.

It's interesting to see how different some people's lives are. Most everyone, at least that I know, are fairly similar lives. They work, have some hobbies, do some fun stuff here and there. But one old high school friend is interesting to see how she lives her life. I can't even imagine it, really. Well, if I try, it totally wears me out! She's been with her guy quite a few years, (I think they are engaged now), and he is quite quite wealthy. Made enough money from his business to retire early and live a life of leisure...and boy do they! It is constant travel. It appears they may get home for a few days here and there but not home much. And when they are home, do they relax? Nope! It's all parties and get together's with friends, dinners and meals out. And most pictures include cocktails, glasses of wine, or bottles of beer in them.

The thought of living in constant travel (and drinking!) or even constant activity when home would literally put me in the hospital from exhaustion, I'd bet! Shoot, I'm tired just after a day of shopping or errands in the city, haha!  Two weeks ago, she was at some B&B somewhere, last week she was in Nevada, today she is in Mexico. Next week she will be in Arizona. I'm very happy for her that she is well off and comfortable, but boy, I really do not envy her lifestyle one little bit.

As I said, I don't think she and her guy are married, but have been together quite a few years. She quit work a few years ago, when he sold his business/or retired. I worry about a woman like her, though. Has he provided for her in case he dies and they are not married? I would not want to be my age, or older, and end up with nothing! She didn't have a career type job. She worked in retail, so I doubt she has much of a retirement fund for herself. Nor at our age, to try to go back to work would not be a fun prospect.

Same for my half sister. I worry about her too, in a similar situation. I have never asked her about it. She is still working and does have a small retirement she puts into, but if her guy she's been living with for the past 10-12 years dies and they aren't married, has he left anything to her? their home is his home and property, as well as his business. I highly doubt any of it's in her name. (it's a ranch he's owned or his parents did) What if he dies, say 10 years from now? What would she do/where would she live? Most likely everything goes to his 2 adult daughters. I would not want to be in that position. Too risky and zero security.


  1. I think that's exactly why older couples don't get married--they want to leave their kids all their assets. That's ok if both have sufficient funds that they won't depend on the other's money after one dies, but in your friend's case she may be left in a bad place if he dies first. On the other hand he may leave her a certain amount of money to keep her going. I have known of cases where the adult children have turned an elderly person out of their house, because their dad or mom left it to the children. That can happen, even if they're legally married.

    1. I don't think older/elderly should probably get married. I know that's why my mom and her previous boyfriend (they started dating when she was around 70)didn't get married. They both had money and didn't want to mingle or deal with that aspect of it. But, I do worry about my half sis if something were to happen to her boyfriend.

  2. I have a good friend and blogger my age who travels full time. As in no hime any more. Mainly overseas and they love it.

  3. I would probably not enjoy constant travel, BUT spending a few months in a different place would be fun. I can see why you are concerned, I hope that your friend's finances are in order and your sister's too. your sis is in Canada, and we have common law marriage so maybe some things would be covered there ? But you're right, women have to ensure they are taken care of, because sometimes the men they're with are ultimately not that caring in terms of finances

    1. I could probably do some time away in one place, but the constant a few days here, then a week there would wear me out. Sis told me years ago that her bf (who is kind of an a-hole from a lot of what she tells me) never divorced his wife, who he's been separated from for like 20 years. Pretty sure sis is going to be in the very short end of the stick in all this some day.

  4. I have no envy of that type of lifestyle. I don't like being away from home for more than a couple of days! Hopefully both your friend and sister have thought about the future. I'd be nervous not having anything in writing.

    1. One of these days I might ask sis if our conversation every gets steered that way.

  5. I like the idea, and may some day, spend a month or two different places and really explore. Preferably when I'm sick of winter. I am trying really hard to just not think how others live. It changes my life not one bit.

    1. I don't really compare mine to others, we're all mostly similar, but friends is like no one else I know :)

  6. Elderly people in Florida get married with a minister and no license to keep their children from worrying they are going to Hell for living in sin. The reason is to protect their assets. This article was about seniors in Florida, so I am sure it happens elsewhere. Security in old age is certainly important.
    I could have parties and live large if I had someone to help execute my plans, shop, clean after the party and all the other housework.

    1. Very true - friend never has to clean or cook....

  7. Your friend's lifestyle wouldn't suit me either but good luck to her if she has the energy. And I totally agree with you that I would be worried if everything "we" owned belonged to him. I would definitely want to be able to take care of myself financially because a 60 year old man chasing 25 year old tail isn't totally unknown either is it! Still, I hope that never happens to your friend!
