Thursday, January 27, 2022

Oh my stars!

I continued (as well as dh) to have a bit of a stomach ache most of yesterday, but so far so good today, but I haven't had breakfast yet, just my cup of coffee.

Most nights when I go to bed kitty will follow me in. Pounce and play at my feet for a few minutes then settle in next to my knees and sleep until dh comes to bed (then it's play time again) but for some reason last night he just would not settle. After a half hour, I'd had enough of that and wanted to go to sleep, so I took him up to my office and shut the door. My office is above our master bedroom and boy, he always sounds like he is tearing the room apart up there, playing, but I open the door in the morning and all looks normal. You should see me slowly opening the door...afraid of what I might find broken, haha.

Today's dilemma - when I call my mom to I mention to her that it's my birthday?? I know she won't remember now, but I feel like if I tell her, she's going to feel bad for forgetting, but if I don't tell her, one day in a few months (she did this last year, haha) she will say did I remember you birthday? did I get you a gift? and then I just fudged and told her oh ya, you did. It's not much of a big deal to me, really. I know I have read on that support page I follow people will sometimes comment how bad they feel because their parent forgot their birthday. It's not her fault. It's the disease now. I know if she didn't have dementia, the person she was before would totally have remembered and celebrated with me. 

One of my work guys is in charge of sending out a group email when it's someone's birthday, wishing them a happy birthday with a cute or funny pic or meme. But, one of the managers (not my boss) she's always first to wish me happy birthday. She starts work at the butt crack of dawn every day and her happy birthday was in our chat program when I got up this morning. I don't even think my boss will remember until she sees the email from the "birthday guy", LOL.

I don't know stars/planets in the sky but boy, there sure was a huge bright star in the southeastern sky this morning. My phone sucks at pictures, especially in the dark, but it was neat to see.

ok, I guess I spoke too soon about my stomach. Good grief - like dh keeps saying "what did you do to us?" LOL. I just went ahead and ate breakfast. If I don't eat, then I get a headache and I guess I'd rather have a stomach ache than a headache.

Today at noon I have the call with mom's investment guy for the quarterly (well, this one will be annual) recap. Usually these calls are only about 10 minutes or so. I'll be glad to get it over with. 1) I hate talking on the phone, and 2) still ticked off at investment guys butting in on her beneficiaries.


  1. Happy Birthday! Hope, the stomach issue goes away fast. I think everybody should be off on their birthdays.

    1. Thanks :) I am taking tomorrow off, but that's because we have to take the dog to the vet for stitches removal.

  2. Happy Birthday!!! Hope the tummy troubles go away for you both.

    1. thanks :) the stomachs aren't as bad as Tuesday, at least.

  3. Happy Birthday to You!!
    You should tell your mom what day it is. I think that would make her happy.
    Have a wonderful day:)

    1. thank you! I chatted with DD, who called to wish me a happy birthday and asked her what she thought. She said she was going to call grandma yesterday but got busy, so she will call her after lunch and tell her it's my birthday, LOL.

  4. Happy Birthday! When you do call your mom, you might want to mention that today is January 27th, and see if it jogs her memory. Don't feel bad, though, if it doesn't. You know she would be celebrating with you if she could remember!

    1. Yes, I'm good with knowing if she had her memory she wouldn't forget my birthday :)

  5. Happy birthday - I ordered that star from Amazon!

  6. I just heard on the news that omicron or the new variant causes gastrointestinal problems. If you have a test, maybe now is the time to use it.

    My mother was so sad her mother did not know who she was. She didn't even know my mother was her daughter. Be glad for the moment she still knows you. The last Mama saw Memaw alive, Memaw did know her name and that my mother was her daughter. It is all sad with dementia.

    When my kids were playing upstairs, it sounded like they were tearing the house down or had hurt themselves. When I went up there, they were not being too rowdy and falling and hurting themselves. Yet, I could hear nothing they said or the loud music they were playing. I suppose your house is the same way.

    1. I'm going to guess it's not omicron, no respiratory issues at all going on for either of us.

  7. Happy Birthday. I hope your bug goes soon. I miss the birthday greetings in the office.

  8. Happy Birthday for yesterday - you share the day with my own mother who died in 2004.
    I hope you had a lovely day in the end and that your stomach feels more settled today. x

    1. thanks for the birthday wishes and happy birthday to your mother.
