Sunday, January 16, 2022

Received gifts

Lucy, over at A Dime at a Time was just discussing gift giving between adult relatives. My birthday is later this month and dd had told me last week she was ordering a couple gifts and if I didn't mind she'd just have them shipped direct to me. I said of course, most likely what she will order will be free shipping, so no sense in her having additional cost just to mail it herself. It's expensive to mail packages.

They arrived yesterday, early - because she was worried it would be slow, like Christmas deliveries were and wanted to make sure I got them in time. One thing I has asked for - a cute hammered copper spoon rest. The other gift she thought on her own, remembering something I had mentioned quite awhile back. That when ever get our bonus room done like we want, we want an old time popcorn maker. She got me a cute smaller "replica" type. It will be perfect and not take up too much room.

Next birthday we have to deal with is my mom's, haha, in May. She typically gets combined with a Mother's Day gift most years, as did my grandma, since both their birthdays fell near Mother's Day. Every 7 years or so my grandma's would fall on the same day as Mother's Day. 

Yesterday morning I cleaned, mostly upstairs. Did the vacuuming. It is really nice now having a vacuum cleaner for just upstairs. Just before lunch our retired friend stopped by for a short visit. He had some oil jugs he had emptied for dh and brought the empties back. By about 1:30 my energy was zapped, so I took a nap and it ended up being a long one. 

I was going to make a hashbrown/cheesy type casserole dish for dinner and then realized I didn't have the bacon pieces it needs. (or any bacon in the freezer to thaw and cook up). I ended up making a pre-made pasta/chicken skillet meal. In looking in the freezer out in the garage I realized I have a box of taquitos that we like. I didn't know there was a box out there. When we were last in the little store in town I picked up a box of what they had. Some brand name never heard of and heated up some the other night for dinner. YUUUCKKK! It was like a mashed chicken (?) paste inside the rolled tortilla. I didn't see anything resembling cheese. I thought they were totally disgusting. DH did eat his. But anyway, glad to see there are some good ones in the freezer, haha!

Tomorrow morning we have to take the pets in for their procedures and have to drop them off at 7:30. They called to confirm on Friday and I asked about how long until we can pick them up. Not until like 3pm. Ugh. We might as well drive back home and wait, then. I could find something to do for 4 or 5 hours, but not 8. Oh well, just glad they are both being done on the same day and we don't have to do this twice, right?

Speaking of kitty, he's been really annoying the past several nights and mornings. In the mornings, after I get up and feed him, he just walks around and meows. I don't know what he wants. At night he will go to bed with me and around 11pm (dh is still up) he will suddenly start going back and forth from the windows on each side of our bed. There must be some animal outside he is seeing? but I can't see anything out there. Finally, I end up taking him upstairs and shutting him in my office (where his crate/food/litter box is) for the rest of the night. The previous vet had said getting neutered will calm him down, so hoping it will. And eventually, he'll start going outside when the weather warms up, so that should keep him busier. 

Today I need to vacuum downstairs. I was kind of in a baking mood yesterday to make some sort of dessert, but by afternoon I wasn't in the mood. Maybe today I will. Brownies sound kind of good - and easy.


  1. I love that spoon rest. It's a nice size. And looks great.
    It's a full moon tonight. Our dog gets weirded out usually the week before. I don't know if cats are affected.
    I think you will love your suv. We're in the market for a new one also. There's no inventory around here but ordering is perfect.
    I smell brownies:)

    1. I love the spoon rest too and the nice wide size. I used it last night while making dinner and texted dd that I liked how big it was. Heading downstairs to make brownies right now :)

  2. I love those gifts your daughter got you. The popcorn maker is adorable (except I don't eat popcorn) and so pretty! As for kitty it definitely sounds like another animal doesn't it!

    1. it sure does seem like there must be some animal outside,deer is my guess. He just keeps making these strange meowing sounds and running back and forth to each window ledge and about same time each night.

  3. Nice gifts! I know the taquitos you mean. The cheese and chicken are good, but the ones just chicken are the most horrendous things to put in a box! I assumed all were chicken and cheese. I triple look now before I buy, usually only when my youngest will be home and have friends over.

    1. they were disgusting. Some name like "Menu del Sol" or something like that. Stay away from them, LOL

  4. I love your gifts, especially the popper. I was wondering if kitty was maturing sexually. The vet told my friend his cat would still act like a tomcat, just cannot make kittens. I don't know how old your kitty is. It is good you are getting him neutered since now he won't roam so much this summer.

    1. The first vet told me to keep him indoors until he's been neutered, as he will think he's this big tough thing that he is not before he is neutered. He is approx 6 months old now.

  5. Yes, cats are affected by the full moon. One of our 4 gets more aggressive the week before a full moon. Our only male seems to have a difficult time deciding what he wants to do and wanders around the house and will stop and stare for awhile, which is no big deal, except it disturbs the others and can generate "encounters". We have a calming medicine that I use the week before a full moon and a few days after. There are various ones with different results. The one I get is from Jackson Galaxy solutions. I buy both the Bully and the Stress Stopper formulas. It works with the female but has no affect on our male. Amazon has it as does Chewy, I think. It's not cheap but you might want to look into it. Whether she is spayed or not, it will not change if she is affected by the full moon. Ranee (MN)

    1. I've never really paid much attention to the pets and full moons. I am looking forward to being able to let him go outside when spring gets here

  6. your DD is so thoughtful!! ♥️ love the gifts. hope tomorrow is a safe journey and everything goes well for everyone! kitty must be feeling cabin fever!

    1. It was a dry roads drive in this morning, so all is good so far.

  7. Your kitty is experiencing puberty!
    Neutering will sort out the night prowls and meows.

  8. The spoon rest goes well with your sink! The popcorn maker will be a fun addition to your bonus room. Thanks for the blog mention!

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