Thursday, January 13, 2022

Quiet day, taxes, and temperatures

Yesterday was quiet. Probably because dh knew I was pissed off and he kept his distance. My mom did call, again still worried about her money. I'm not sure what is going on with her computer. She rarely even gets on it (I can see she hasn't checked her emails in a good 3 months now), but whenever she tries it appears to be disconnected from wi-fi. The last 2 times I was at her apartment I turned on her computer (she doesn't leave it on) to see what was going on and both times it was not connected to wi-fi. I highly doubt it is anything she is doing - she wouldn't know how to access that on her computer, so I'm not sure what would be causing it to keep disconnecting. There must be some setting that disconnects it when she turns off her computer and doesn't auto reconnect.

She wanted to get on to look at her bank account, but she said it was showing "server not available". Then I also realized she was trying to access her old bank. I'm not sure how she did that, as I actually thought I had deleted that bank from her "favorites" tabs across the top of her browser. I told her that is her old bank, but also that it looks like her computer isn't connected to the internet and I can't fix that until I'm there again. I told her we don't use Bank of America now, she has a local bank account. She said she doesn't remember doing that. But, that's not surprising since she doesn't have her checks, doesn't see statements, etc.

I need to take something down to the mailbox. It warmed up yesterday, but then froze again overnight but the driveway and street looks very icy right now. The outside temp says 30. Our mail used to come like 9 or 9:30 so I've always gotten it out there first thing in the morning, but I've noticed the past few months it's quite a bit later, usually 11-11:30 (new carrier). I can see these times looking on our informed delivery online and it shows the time packages are left in our box. The earliest in the past month or so has been 10am. I think I'm going to wait an hour or so and see if it warms up any to melt the ice on the street. I don't need to slip and fall, that's for sure. It's supposed to get to mid 40's today, but by the time that will happen the mail will have already been picked up, LOL.

We are expecting 2 packages that seem to have stopped tracking and just say "in transit, arriving late". One of them went from the east coast, where it shipped from, to Alaska. Ha! Wrong cold state.

I got started a bit on entering stuff for my tax return. Usually I owe some, due to my side job taxes, but was curious this year, due to our huge medical bills, how much I might owe. So far, putting in what I know and a couple of estimates on one of my mortgage interest docs (I had re-fi'd in March, so I have the original mtg co, the new one, who sold in one month, so one from them, and also one from the current mtg co) and looks like I'll still owe some on federal but getting back more in state, so at this point it's almost a wash, with a little bit extra to me. The other thing I want to make sure I figure out (Turbo Tax) is if I am getting credited the 4 months of paying for the new health insurance, where I was supposed to be getting approx $200/mo subsidy that I wasn't aware of, so hadn't applied for. My understanding is it's supposed to adjust for it/credit me when I do my tax return. I have a feeling it's not, because it has me put in the total spent, which I'm thinking it's going to assume was for the whole year, so it's not going to calculate it was for 4 months and I was only supposed to pay $440 a month  and was paying $640. If there is $800 I'm supposed to get and am not seeing it, I may have to pay for extra tax expert help. It appears there is a separate form to fill out and file to claim a premium credit and you show the months you had the ACA insurance. Ok, good! Well, then I might be getting around a $1000 back in taxes then, between my fed and state returns combined.

I belong to this decor page on Facebook (one of several, but this is the one most active). Boy, people just cannot read! Someone will post a specific question and people start answering other things. For example, I made a post (like only my 2nd) asking to see people's floor lamps they have in their homes. A few posted pics, but I'll bet a good majority of them told me what store(s) to try to buy them in...Ya, I know where to look/shop, I didn't ask for that. I asked to see the lamps they have in their homes! One lady just posted a picture of antique type secretaries desk with a few knicknacks on top. Above it was a large clock on the wall. She asked about her knicknacks on top and specifically said "the clock is staying where it is" and half the people responded about the clock. The OP even kept commenting under their comments "I didn't ask about the mirror". Another one just asked "show me your home exteriors with brick and stone. We had hardiboard and stone before, but dh doesn't want to use siding." First pic commented? someone's home with siding and stone. 2nd comment - same thing. Is it really that hard to read?? She just said she didn't want to use siding! I'm starting to get annoyed with it all, so like SAM, I don't know why I keep following it, LOL. 

Welp, it's probably about as warmed up as it's going to get outside before the mail carrier picks up, so out I got, hoping to to slip and slide too much!

Update: it was a total sheet of ice on our walkway and then driveway. I said nope, not gonna do it. Too far of walk all the way down the driveway and then all the way down the street to take a chance.


  1. I do understand people not reading! I was even called a liar on my doctor post. Maybe you can get some of those slip on cleats for ice.

    1. I have seen those clip on cleats. Wonder how they work on a sheet of ice? LOL.

  2. If you bought health insurance on one of the ACA exchanges, you should receive Form 1095-A from the exchange. This will show what premium you paid each month, what the benchmark premium is for computing subsidies and the amount of subsidy you received each month in 2021 (your "advance premium tax credits"). This information is used to fill out IRS Form 8962 which is filed with your tax return. If based on your income you qualify for premium tax credits, any amount which was not advanced in 2021 will show up as a credit on your 1040 and become part of your tax refund.

    1. thank you! I did read about form 8962 and I'll probably be getting the document from the insurance company this month.

  3. Regarding my previous comment, I am not a "tax expert" but I used to teach about the ACA and also I have gone through this process myself for the past 6 years. I enjoy your blog, by the way. I'm guessing your delayed packages are FedEx! We've been having lots of problems with FedEx deliveries.

    1. I appreciate your tax input! I am an accountant but not a tax accountant. Actually, FedEx has been really good the past several months. It's USPS with all the delays, which has been their problem for quite awhile now. I hate seeing when stuff is coming that way, it's usually long trip to get here.

  4. It makes me feel I am in good company that I'm not the only one that keeps annoying links and following things that I should stop! Other than birthday greetings a few odd likes, I'm not very active lately on Facebook.

    1. LOL. I just don't understand why it's so hard to read two or 3 sentences!

  5. I just did my work tax yesterday!! I salted one small patch on the driveway as well (not a sheet but def my mom or step dad could have slipped) as for mail, I got a notification a book was on its way. so i went to check my front door, no book. check my email, the book has been delivered. the site has the driver upload a picture as proof (they did) and it is of my neighbour's door LOL. So I had to go over and let them know I am taking my book back!

    1. I'm so glad we use a CPA for my work tax, haha. Well, that's good they had a picture of where the package is left.

  6. You were quite right not to attempt to walk on that ice. A fall is not worth the worry.
    We are in the process of buying a much wider bed. Since my hips have started to play up ( old age! ) I sleep on my back and so does DH sometimes. Its the first time in 40 odd years I've made up an "escape bed" in the spare room for the person who's sleep has been interrupted!

    1. I cannot sleep on my back, never have. Stomach or side, but the chiropractor I used to go to said stomach is not good for the back, but sometimes I just end up that way, LOL. I don't need the "escape bed" often, but it's nice to have the option.
