Saturday, January 29, 2022

Happy Saturday

A Saturday, that feels like a Sunday, since I had yesterday off. DH always says he gets his days mixed up when I take a day or more off work. I told him that's his problem, LOL.

I just turned to look at the cat on the floor. He's just laying there, on his back, back legs spread wide - haha. He's silly, but as soon as I tried to grab my phone to take a pic he moves. He can have his eyes closed and seems to know when I'm about to take a picture of him. 

It was 4 degrees when I got up this morning, but the days sure have been pretty blue skies this week.

I had the call with mom's investment guy Thursday for the quarterly update. Ok, his assistant always gives me the time of that he will call in their time zone and it's an hour later where I am. So, I'm expecting a call at noon my time, 11, his time. He calls at 11 my time. I guess next time I'll have to now clarify with his assistant which time zone she means. Fortunately I wasn't busy then and could go ahead with the call. It's only 10 minutes.

Year in review update, her account earned a very nice 15.4% return, ie a whopping $135,000. In 2020 it was $124,000 gain. I know I sound like a freaking broken record, but in what world was she ever going to run out of money in 8-10 years??!! DD and I were just taking about that again the other day.  

Then he discusses his predictions going forward and he's very optimistic for 2022. He thinks that the inflation we are seeing is because of the supply chain problem and he thinks that problem is going to get better soon. While stocks have dropped a lot this month, it's a good time to buy some more shares of some stock she already has, that has performed well for her, because the stocks are down right now. He feels this is a great buy and they will get back up to where they used to be and she will profit from that. Ok, works for me. I guess we have to approve what he wants to buy and sell. I don't have the time to research any of it, that's what he's getting paid for, so of course we're going to go by his recommendations.

DD kept trying to call my mom off and on after 1pm, figuring she'd be back from lunch. No answer. I told dd, that's how it is all the time now that I try her on her landline, LOL. She's never in her apartment. Finally dd got through to her and they chatted and she mentioned it was my birthday and then of course my mom said she needed to call me. No call, haha. Finally about 20 minutes later I call her up, and she said she was trying to call me but wasn't sure if she had my number. She read off some # from one of her slips of paper that had the area code and 3 more numbers (that aren't anything near my ph#) is all. Nope, that won't work. See my name in big black letters on your phone with a button next to it? Just push that and it's preprogrammed with my number.  Anyway, at least by the time that 15 or 20 minutes had gone by since she talked to dd she did remember she talked to her and remembered to tell me happy birthday.

We are still waiting on our new car to get delivered to the dealer. It sounds like it might show up next week. Road and weather conditions will dictate when we decide to go over and get it. 

So, we have these friends on Facebook, that are a married couple with kids. They are in their 40's, have their own business, seem to be doing well. But, boy they seem to be the most unprepared for life's curve balls as you can get, LOL. First, a couple weeks ago their area got dumped on by more snow then they usually get, but still, not unheard of. It will happen every so often. They were totally unprepared, yet they have all the equipment (and then some) to deal with it, but act like "omg, what are we going to do?!". Now she just posted that both their debit cards got hacked and turned off and their bank isn't open until Monday, so they are stuck all weekend with no debit cards. How about you have a little cash on hand for emergencies. Or a back up credit card to use in an emergency? Someone commented that they sure seem to be getting hit with problems lately and I'm sitting here thinking to myself - you wouldn't if you'd just be a little prepared for things to happen!


  1. I am finding less patience for nonsensical behavior like you describe your FB friends. Real life challenge's are plenty, but behaving dumb then wanting people to commiserate with you is becoming my pet peeve in life. I've probably showed my irritation lately both in real life and blog world. People- quit b&$#+&ing about situations you either created yourself or have the tools to solve.

    1. Me too. It's not like they are young and inexperienced with life. That's the impression I'm starting to get with the wife she wants everyone to commiserate with her.

  2. Omg I lost my debit card one weekend and it was annoying but I have another chequing account plus credit. And I can always e-Transfer too, just never have cash 🤣

    1. I rarely have cash either (dh usually has at least a $100) but have always had a back up credit card for emergencies.

    2. In this day and age, to not have a backup option is odd BUT maybe they are bad with their credit so don't have access to a card? But yes, definitely some first world problems!!

    3. that's what I'm guessing. Usually a unorganized life includes money....

  3. In the past, I did not carry much cash on me but, as I got older, I decided that I like to have some in my wallet and a smaller amount in my cell phone case. Both of the banks I regulary do business with offer the option of not only debit cards but also, cash withdrawal through the mobile apps on my cell phone without the cards.

    1. that's neat that you can do a cash withdrawal without the card. I haven't heard of that before.

  4. Your mom's investment guy seems to know his stuff doesn't he - that was quite a gain for mom! Oh and happy birthday!

    1. He really does and he's been managing her money for like 30 years now.

  5. I cannot imagine how your mother could run out of money, no matter what she does. The woman has equipment to remove the snow and is asking what she is to do? I think I could struggle through a weekend without money. I wonder what she wants to buy.

    1. That's what my dh said too..just don't spend anything for the weekend, LOL.

  6. Oh the stuff people post on FB. Good grief. I'm sure they will survive the weekend without cash.

  7. Heh. I can't imagine being concerned that I had no debit card for a weekend. I've been without my credit card for as long as a month, when DD was in Europe on a school trip. Coincidentally, I've been without my credit card for over a week this week, because, I cannot find it. With my no-spend I wasn't using it. I asked around the house, and no kid had it, nor were any charges made. Earlier in the week I broke down and called Citibank to cancel it, and have a new one sent. Still not here, still not worried about it. (I give my credit card to the kids who need cash when they are out and about, figuring it's easier to deal with if lost than cash. I also ALWAYS make sure they have at least $20 on their person.) I think in your friend's case, I'd almost go without a debit card, rather than deal with a trip, or worse, phone call, to the bank.
    I am near that snowstorm that happened. As you well know, we live in an area which also gets severe windstorms which can take out power for days on end. I am amazed at how many people, after living here for years, still remain unprepared for those, let alone the odd snowstorm.

    1. these people normally get quite a bit of snow (just not that amount) so should be prepared, not to mention they own a company with dozers, loaders, etc, LOL. And a few months ago the guy told dh they were thinking of moving to MT, haha.
