Sunday, October 11, 2020

Sunday times

I wasn't able to visit my mom yesterday, since they are still allowing no visitors. Yet, they haven't confirmed if the covid case is positive or not yet, but I'm assuming by now, it must have been positive if they are still quarantined. You'd think they could email an update and I did ask that my cell phone be put on for the text updates.

But, I still needed groceries. It was kind of a nice "me" trip that took about 3 hours total. I left a little after 9am. Got to the feed store at 9:45 to pick up my order of poultry bedding. I'm going to go back to using the pine shavings vs. the chopped straw. Even though the pine is more expensive I found it easier to clean and seemed to help keep odor down a bit.

Then I went to Ross to look around. I wanted to see if I could find a mirror for a guest bedroom and a fake plant. I scored on both! I had been looking at mirrors online and they are all so expensive. Like $80. I got this perfect sized one for $13. The plant was $9

I looked around for anything else that caught my eye. I was hoping maybe they'd have more Christmas stuff in. Not that I'm wishing/ready for Christmas, but I so rarely get the time to go in there and browse that it would have been nice to find a couple of things I am looking for. A tree skirt and tree topper, for my new tree.

Then I went to Target. I needed a few things there and I knew that Walmart would be out of stock on at least something from my order, that I would need to also buy and wanted to know before I pick up the order, so I can get it while I'm at Target. I got my things and kept checking my email for the update. I didn't want to leave Target until I knew what else I needed! So, I wandered around, looked at some t-shirts. Their selection sucks and they never have Medium (or Large) in stock. Everything is always small or XL. Finally at 10:50 I got the notification my order was ready and they only were out of 2 things. Liquid hand soap refill and some travel size WetOnes (we keep in the car). Target had both, so I grabbed those and checked out.

I was substituted 2 items for larger items. A huge can of coffee and bigger jar of mayo. Works for me. I didn't even know they made coffee cans that big, LOL.

I got over to Walmart at 11:10 and had to wait about 10 minutes and was out of there by 11:30. I stopped to get gas and headed home. DH texted me on the way that our neighbor had brought over the iris bulbs she had mentioned awhile back she was going to thin out and give us some. DH has been wanting some, LOL. But, by the time we got it all unloaded and groceries put away, it was raining the rest of the day, so we haven't planted them yet. Today is looking like a better weather day, so we'll get them planted. He calls them "those "whippy" plants" because of the tall spikey green leaves, LOL.

I had ordered two plastic bins with a handle to use in my freezer to see if that helps keep things a bit more organized. I had read this in some article or blog. They arrived yesterday, but I haven't put them in the freezer yet. Another project to do today. They were shipped dumb. Each in a separate big box. Why not just stack one inside the other and put in one box and save on shipping costs. They could have charged me the same shipping charge, yet saved their business half. The bins were only $9 each and one website wanted $20 to ship two of them, so I will never pay that much to ship something, especially when what I am buying doesn't even cost that much LOL. Another website had $10 shipping.

DH spent most of the rainy afternoon still unpacking some bins of "memorabilia". He didn't realize he still had another pallet way in the corner and the 4 bins left there all have more trophies and plaques. He unpacked more pictures. UGH. too much of it all. He's got a bigger shop and it seems like he has less room for all this stuff. In our old house (the one we lived 27 years) his garage was stuffed and one big wall was filled with pictures (as well as some other areas). I think here he is realizing how cluttered all that up will make his shop look. I suggested getting some wooden crate type bins and just putting most of the pictures in them. He (or if he wanted to show them to someone) could "flip" through the crates to look at them.

DD's birthday is coming up next month and I want to give her her gifts while she is here, so I don't have to mail, but she doesn't have her usual list of gift ideas, LOL. I texted her dh and asked if she has a turkey roasting pan and she does not. She also is getting low on the Nespresso coffee pods, so those 2 items are what I'm going to get ordered now, so they can be here before they come. I also picked up a confetti cake mix and frosting to make her a birthday cake.

Well, time to get the day going. I'm going to "make" some cinnamon rolls and it's time to get my chickies their morning bread treat. Have an enjoyable Sunday.


  1. Sign of the times when grocery and household needs are me trips. I’m trying to think of a gift for my daughters birthday at the end of the month. No need for a Turkey pan.

  2. Are the bulbs you are referring to Lucifer Crocosmia?

    1. I'm not sure - neighbor just said they were iris plants/bulbs.

  3. I taught Tommy what iris and flags were, the same, but called tall "spikey plants" for him. I had to leave my flags behind.

    Pine is better than the straw. I learned a lot from It is too bad you don't have pine trees where you could rake it. They love fresh bedding where they can find bugs. I never saw the bugs, but my chickens went crazy with fresh leaves or pine needles/straw.

    Maybe you need to call the place to see if they got your email on their list for notifications.

    A turkey pan is a great idea if she wants one.

    What kind of pictures does your husband have?

    1. DH has tons of pictures of race cars, the kids racing, etc. We do have some pine needles, that's a good idea to throw some in their coop to dig around in.

  4. I chuckled, I remembered the other times where DH has offered to keep you company on the trips, and you quickly say no thanks!! i hope your mom is ok self isolating. my mom just got more decorations from the dollar store, the Christmas stuff will come soon!

    1. fortunately now that most all my trips include taking time to visit/see mom for a couple hours, he doesn't volunteer to go, haha.

  5. A turkey pan is a great gift. In my neck of the woods it was hard to find one. People just put their birds on an oven tray but, I know better. Lol! When I found my pan at IKEA about 5 years ago, it was pure joy!

  6. I know she plans to make holiday meals sometimes so I think she will like having one.
