Sunday, October 25, 2020

Back to normal

It was a really nice long weekend with DD and her DH. We totally got dumped on with snow on Friday and Friday night. 13 inches! I think they were a bit freaked out about having to drive home today (Sunday) but we told them with the snow stopping Saturday morning by Sunday the roads should be good and mostly dry and they are (well, one lane is). They just left about 10:30 and once they get the first 50 miles or so (where it snowed) they will be past all of it. It was -3 this morning and only up to 12 right now. But starting tomorrow up to 36 and the rest of the week back up to 50's, which I am glad of. While it's absolutely beautiful here right now, I'm not quite ready for all snow all the time, yet.

DD and I finally got that 1000 piece puzzle done yesterday. She agreed it was a hard one. They got here at 7pm Thursday, so they made good time getting over here at exactly 7 hours. So, we had the whole evening to visit. We weren't able to go see my mom, since they aren't allowing visitors and with a foot of snow on the way Friday afternoon, we didn't want to get caught in it driving back home. She had a good chat with her on the phone on Friday.

SIL brought his little smoker and smoked some salmon, which was delicious with crackers and cream cheese, which we snacked on Friday afternoon. Then he made a good meatloaf in his smoker that we had for dinner. DD made a good broccoli salad. I also made a cake, to celebrate her birthday a couple weeks early. And gave her a couple of presents to open.

Friday night we just watched a couple of movies on Amazon prime. DH was out plowing and shoveling most of that time, LOL. Last night we watched another movie after dinner, a Prime Original I think - Peanut Butter Falcon. Very cute movie, we all enjoyed it.

The only hard part of the weekend was their 2 dogs, haha. 4 dogs in the house is a bit chaotic and of course theirs were in new territory, so harder for them to relax. One of their dogs they got when he was already 5 and he apparently has some past trauma. It's like he has PTSD. He'll be fine but if any dog approaches him (sometimes even their other dog) he will bare his teeth and growl. He sounds like the Tasmanian Devil cartoon! He's not aggressive, just scared, so he sounds mean. And of course both dogs had to bark at any little sound they weren't familiar with. I know it was bothering DD, more than it was bothering us. My 2 dogs have more than enough dog fur for me, and 4 dogs is crazy. I feel like all's I did was pick up clumps of dog fur all weekend.

Last night I made my 4 cheese and bacon mac and cheese for dinner, which was good. Everyone had seconds and cake for dessert, later on.

I always have to laugh at how much stuff they always bring and it's everywhere LOL. I couldn't keep up with dishes and running the dishwasher. I'd fill it up, turn it on, and before it was done I'd have another sink full of dishes. I think I now know why I could never keep a clean house when I had kids at home, haha. I felt like my house was a mess, but after they loaded up all their stuff, it was pretty much back to normal. I was cleaning dishes at the sink before anyone got up this morning and looking along our bar (3 section) counter top. Each section had their stuff, LOL. One had snacks. One had dd's wallet, sunglasses and keys and 2 water bottles. Another section had SIL's wallet and keys. 

I wish the weather would have been "normal" so we could have gone to see my mom, or got out to do something, but it was still nice and super relaxing. I did send her home with 2 dozen eggs, which she was happy to get.

All quiet now. I think both of and the dogs are ready for a nap!


  1. You got even more snow than us. I hope they have good travels home.

    1. She said it was a little slow, with only one good lane over the pass, but after that it was all good.

  2. It sounds like you all had a good visit. Dishes appeared out of nowhere when I had kids around. And, when I took my three kids to my mother's, it seemed like that is all we did, wash dishes in the dishwasher and the overflow in the sink. That sounds like a huge snow. I have only seen that much snow down here in the blizzard of 93. It is 70 right now. Now, you can relax.

    1. it's supposed to be up to 60 degrees next weekend, LOL. They picked the wrong weekend, haha.

  3. Snow? Already? Wow! But you are up in the mountains right? I am so glad you had a good time with your DD. I love smoked salmon. Kudos to your SIL.

    1. yes, we are up in the mountains (part of Rocky mountains). Sounds like most of the western part of the state got hit pretty hard. Some friends who live in the central part got 16 inches.

  4. Are you starting to have more Corona virus cases in your part of the country?

    1. We have had several this past couple of months (still only .004 of our county population). Three are still in active stage right now, the rest have recovered and none have needed any hospitalization, thankfully.

  5. Oh that snow is so pretty, especially when it's followed by bright sunshine isn't it. Mind you, after six months of it we're always ready for spring but the first snow is so exciting - unless you're driving!

    1. I wouldn't like it if I had to drive in it, but sitting here in my house, it's awesome, LOL. I could have waited about another month for it, though ;)

  6. I know exactly what you mean about stuff everywhere. It sounds like they were comfortable & at home.
    I'm sure you & your dogs could use a nap.
    The snow is beautiful!!

    1. one of the things I tease her about is shoes! always shoes everywhere. Growing up we had a pile of shoes by the front door (she's same way at her house). DH used to be same way, but he's good now about keeping his shoes in the laundry room. I hate shoes at the front door, drives me nuts.
