Monday, October 19, 2020


Yesterday continued our rain fest.  It was past time to get the dead annual flowers out of the pots and the pots stored away for the winter. With freezing temps on the way later in the week, it had to get done.  DH brought down the hanging baskets for me. We put all the pots in our little John Deere trailer, that pulls behind our lawn tractor.

My mom called about 3 times yesterday. It seems often Sundays are her day she tries to figure everything out, LOL.  She is so confused about having 2 bank accounts right now, as well as throw in that her credit card was hacked again last week and another new one is on the way, doesn't help one bit. She got her new bank debit card a couple weeks ago. We already talked about it. I know her new credit card is on it's way. She says yesterday I got this new Visa card, and I thought she meant it was her new cc had already come. So, I was confusing her more and then realized she was talking about her Visa debit card.....

I keep having to explain to her we have to keep the BofA accounts open until December, because Social Security takes over 2 months to change the banking info (good grief!) so we have to leave it open until it starts depositing to her new checking. Then I mentioned her new checks and she didn't think she got them. I said oh, I know you did, you said they came in a flat like folder, not a box....oh, right. There they are, sitting on top of her printer. I said a new "check register" should have come with the checks, so she can start keeping track of the transactions, but she says there is not one. I'll have to see if I have an extra one and mail it to her.

Then she called confused about why she has a medicare card and a Blue Cross card. What does she have for insurance? I said Blue Cross. She was apparently going to throw away her Medicare card. I said no, you need to keep that, too. She couldn't understand why. I said well, it's hard to explain but you are on Medicare, but they make you choose an insurance company that processes and pays your claims. I had to use that Medicare card info to enroll her with the new insurance company. Then she says well if I go to the doctor, which card do I give them. I said usually they just want the Blue Cross card. The she says well, I haven't had to go to the doctor in a long time.......ok....she's been like 5 times since she moved here and we did that virtual visit check up like 6 weeks ago.

Then she called while I was making dinner, so she said I could call her back. I knew when I called her back she would either have forgotten she even called or what she called about. I don't think she really knew, but she went to her desk and saw her voting ballot, so maybe that was why she called. I tried to help her over the phone......yikes, LOL. My guess is her ballot will end up being invalid when they receive it. I had to tell her a couple of times it has to be done in pen, not pencil. I also reminded her it needs to go in the secrecy envelope first and then the mailing envelope and the back of that needs to be signed and dated. 

We also decided to fortify the fencing around the maple trees! With the fencing only about 5 ft, our luck the deer would just reach over and grab leaves if they could reach far enough. We had leftover chicken coop material, so dh wanted to attach it to make the fencing higher around the tree. Only it wasn't enough to do both trees. He then decided he'd have to cut the fencing lengthwise. He had a wire snipping tool but it was taking FOREVER. I said, can't you use your new nifty saw you bought? oh ya! He went and got that and it was cut in like 30 seconds. We wrapped each piece around the top of the existing fencing we put up the day before and secured with many zip ties. It's over 6ft tall now, so pretty sure no deer can get to them.

We have my old vacuum DH uses in the shop to vacuum the rugs and mats he has, as well as the rugs (leftover pieces from our house carpeting) he has in the garage at the inside of doors. It won't pick up anything anymore. We took it apart and it was clogged with stuff.  We cleaned it all out really well and it works good now. It does need a new filter thing and need to order more vacuum bags. They get harder and harder to find as this vacuum is old and not made anymore. The filter I had to find on ebay. 

We are still waiting on that replacement panel to be installed on one of our garage doors. It was supposed to be done when the guy came and put up the shed door a couple weeks ago. Then it was supposed to be done last week, but no call. I emailed the guy on Friday and now he says he'll be out this Friday to install it. It's been like 3 months since we ordered it!

Neighbor brought over some "trick or treat" cookies she made yesterday. I'm not sure what kind they are, but very soft - molasses, I think. Yummy. Even dh liked them. But, if I would have made them he wouldn't have even tried them because he would say he doesn't like that kind.

Happy Monday :)


  1. I think you are right about needing the fences taller. One guy posted a picture of his trees mostly stripped where the deer put their feet on the fence and bent it to eat.

    I think it is good you are not trying to explain too much to your mother. Is someone from the place she lives getting into her account?

    We are dry and will be for a few more days and the temp was 82 today. I don't look forward to November rains. October is our driest month.

    1. That's exactly what we imagined the determined deer doing, haha! I think the fraud on her cc is just plain old hacking we all deal with. This charge was from some unknown company for $2.95. It's not like someone used her card# to buy something online at Target.
