Wednesday, October 21, 2020

I'm awake this afternoon

I have been having terrible afternoon sleepiness while trying to work the past month or two. I'm not a very good lunch eater. I usually just snack on something. Though sometimes I have a sandwich or soup (and still sleepy) Today I had 2 scrambled eggs. It's almost 3pm and no sleepiness today. I'll have to try that again and see if it helps.

DH was busy and tired by the end of yesterday. He cleaned all the bottom level windows on the house and shop, even each little window on the garage and shop roll up doors. He does have one of those window washing brushes and a squeegee, but like he says, he can't do it like the pros, haha. Maybe if he did it everyday, as a job, he'd get good at it, I suppose.

UPS is dropping something off today, so hopefully we can catch him so I can give him the old Firestick I need to ship back to Amazon. Usually we hear him pulling in - or I should say the dogs do. The neighbor dogs bark first because from their house they can see him pulling into our street (so we usually know someone is coming, haha) and then our dogs bark when they hear/see him pull in our driveway. It just has to be sent back by 11/3 (as they already gave me credit on my purchase of the new one) and worse comes to worse I can run into town and drop it off with the shipping counter at the grocery store. 

I made myself a to-do list for tomorrow - what all I need to get done before dd arrives. By the looks of the list I'll be busy all day! LOL. I did clean the toilet in the upstairs bathroom, today. The rest of the bathroom is clean and tidy. The room they will sleep in is ready, just needs vacuumed. Son in law is going to cook for us one of the nights, so that will be nice!

Today is just getting away from me. It's almost time to quit work and I still don't know what I'm making for dinner. Ugh. I didn't take anything out of the freezer and I can't think of anything to make that doesn't need thawed out. Soup doesn't sound good. I guess I'll defrost a couple of steaks and make some rice and a veggie.


  1. I started getting sleepy in the afternoons as I headed towards diabetes. If I had only known! I can scramble twoo eggs and not need anything for about 6 hours. It is the protein.

    1. I will definitely try having them again for lunch. I'm sure it helps not to have carbs and sugar, like I usually do

  2. I hope that does help you. I've been trying to have a healthy snack late afternoon.

    1. I'm hoping it does, too. I've got a steady supply of eggs, haha.

  3. I hope you have a wonderful visit with DD and your DSIL. When I had less time at work, I had started taking afternoon naps - I cut them out once I went back to full time hours obviously, but I am sure the eggs will do the trick - or maybe just more protein in general around the time you might feel sleepy!

    1. it has gotten to the point that I have been taking a nap quite often during my lunch break. Hopefully, I can get back to normal, haha.
