Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Something to look forward to

Thankfully, it was just the batteries in dh's truck that went bad. It has been 10 years. Mostly the truck just sits, too. And thankfully, the parts store in town had two of the batteries in stock. He took the fuse for the rear window defogger and put it in the power steering slot and was able to drive ok to the parts store. After he got back and the new batteries hooked up it started right up. And they had the fuse for my car power steering. Dh said it was trying to jump start his big pick up with my puny car that caused the fuse to blow. Thankfully he knows that kind of stuff. I would have never known it was just a fuse that operates that. He also bought a air filter to replace that while he as at it. All good to go now and knock on wood - hopefully no more problems with either vehicle for awhile, at least.

I ordered a few more fabric samples for the loveseat I'd like to get. I think I am going to go with the lightest, off white color. All the others blend in too close with my light carpet. But, it will probably still be a couple more months before I spend the money for it. I just spent $330 for batteries and stuff.

At first DD said she was just coming alone in a couple weeks to visit for a few days, but now her dh decided to come too. Not to be mean and selfish, but I was kind of excited that it was just going to be her, by herself. I was kind of looking forward to just having her to myself for a few days. Either way, it will be great to see them. I need to find out if they can visit my mom at her place. I'm not sure what their rules are for out of state. I know every time I go I have to check in via an app and one of the questions is have you been out of state in the last 14 days. If we can't visit with her at her apartment, I'll just have to either have her come out and we go to lunch or dinner somewhere or pick her up and just have her spend Sat night here and take her home Sunday after they go home. I'm not going to bring my mom here for the whole weekend. I just want us to be able to focus on dd/dh for at least a majority of their visit here, since we only get to see them a few times a year.

I purchased this journal from Amazon for $12.99. It's so pretty and when I saw it I was like I need that! But, I don't journal, LOL. But, then I decided I will use it for my budget I write out each paycheck. I have been using a steno notebook for years and years. The first couple of pages of my steno notebook have all my user id's and passwords. Those pages have needed to be redone for quite some time, but my notebook still has pages left for budgeting, so I haven't wanted to start a new one. This new journal has removable/refillable pages, so it will be easy to refill, or update my login/password pages with new or replacement pages. I can't wait for it to arrive. I figure it's a pretty cheap thing to make life a little prettier, LOL. And I think I'll like the refillable pages.



  1. When I visited my daughter, my birthday was during that time. I hated it that her husband took off work for my birthday! lol I understand.

    Tommy tries to either let things go or get the big buck fix. He needed work on his car, but I insisted he at least listen to my mechanic for transmission. It was just a fuse for which the guy didn't even charge. I know nothing other than trustworthy guys.

  2. Batteries are ridiculously expensive.
    Your lucky that your dh was able to figure out your power steering. I never would have thought of a fuse. Wow!
    It will be nice to have your dd visit. That would be great if your mom could visit also.
    I love your new journal. Pretty:)

    1. Seems like all batteries are at least $100, even a small battery for our lawn tractor or quad. But I guess the 2 batteries on his truck lasted 10 years, so at prorated cost of $26/yr.

  3. I am glad the kids are coming to visit but I get you about only wanting DD to come. Maybe he and DH will do things together and you can get some mother daughter time in! I feel you on the car repairs, I just replaced my starter and my battery went in March - ugh.

    1. My car is 10 years old now and we've never had to replace the battery. DH was saying maybe we should just go ahead an put a new one in to be on the safe side, so I'm not in the city stranded somewhere because my battery died.

    2. DH is onto something there!!
