Friday, October 16, 2020

Finally Friday

Well, as I'm waiting for the email back from the general mgr of where my mom lives, at the end of my work day I get another email (from the person that sends out the announcements) that the county health department has issued an order that all senior care places have no visitors, starting today. Well, I guess that answers that now! GRRR. I still would like to know how to open that pdf document, though, LOL.

Mom seems fine. She's actually the one who told me no visitors now and at first I was like, is she confused? After we hung up I then checked my emails as sure enough there was the email that had come while I was busy making dinner. They are, though, still allowing activities (in small groups still) for the residents, so at least she is still getting to do her exercise class and Bingo.  

This week did seem to zip by. I'm still working on that darn 1000 pc puzzle. It's so hard! At the rate I only find a handful of pieces a day.........

The Firestick I ordered for DH's shop tv already arrived, so I need to get that hooked up.

DD's dh is always so conscientious about having his truck ready for a long trip. If it needs tires, he puts on tires. He always makes sure it's safe and ready. DD said yesterday afternoon/evening she helped him put all new brakes on their truck. It's good that he can do that work himself and dd's good help (she had all those years helping with the race cars)- she knows her tools, LOL. I used to kind of know them. I recall one time we were in Kansas for a national race event. Since we were so far from home, I was dh's little pit crew, haha. I was standing next to our pit cart during a race, when son's car had some issues and had to come in during a yellow. DH yells over to me I need the 3/16 socket! I hurriedly grabbed it and handed it to him, from all the tools. An older guy sitting in the stands behind me says "a lady that knows her tools, that's awesome" LOL.

I bit the bullet and ordered those expensive sheets and pillow cases yesterday. I went to make my bed and realized there is another new tear in the fitted sheet. I had hoped that sewing the one tear would get these sheets by for awhile longer, but it's time for a new set. The new tear was up near my pillow and I'm guessing my ring did it. This diamond ring (not wedding ring) snags things easily. I'm always snagging sweaters and long sleeved clothes if I cross my arms. I did find a 20% off coupon code, before checking out, so at least I saved $38 on them and I did order the pieces separately, instead of a king sized set, so that I could get standard sized pillow cases. Now, I'm anxious to get them.

Both of the gifts I ordered dh for her birthday arrived yesterday, too. I need to dig in my Christmas closet, where I have wrapping paper and bags and see if/what have for birthdays. I may need to order some, or get creative with what I do have.

I finished the new Longmire book by Craig Johnson (in like 2 days) so now I need to find something new to read for the weekend. I don't have anything downloaded and not much in my waiting to borrow queue, either. 

In all dh's unpacking of bins in his shop recently, he found a bin of his old desk "stuff". Included was his old laptop in a case with the battery. He plugged it in and started charging it up. He clicked on firefox but couldn't access any websites, like Facebook. I said the version of Firefox is probably so old. I took the laptop up to my office to fiddle with it. The clock on the laptop said it was August 2007. Was that really the last time he used it? haha.  I suppose that is possible. I honestly don't remember when he stopped using it, but could be. I updated to a current Firefox version, changed the date and time and charged it up. This morning he says the date is back to 2007. I'm sure the thing is just way too old now. I googled the issue and sounds like something to do with a "flat motherboard battery". Probably not something he is going to be able to use out in the shop. If he wants to access websites, he'll just have to use his phone (or he does have an ipad mini he rarely uses) like he has been for years.

So, after almost 9 months we appear to be finally done with our IRS audit at work. Good grief. Covid kind of slowed things down. Then they tried to ding us $63,000 for some 1099's we supposedly should have filed, but our CPA worked on that (that's what we pay him, for after all). After all that we ended up owing like $1100, so I think once my boss signs off on that and we pay the bill it is finally over. I know she has lost sleep over it these past months. It was good news to get this final update from our CPA on a Friday (though my boss is off today, so she might not see it for a bit)


  1. It's a bummer that you can't visit your mom but, for her and your safety if that's what's necessary, what can be said? Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Maybe try using your cell phone for the email and see if you can open the pdf document that way.

    1. that's a good idea, but unfortunately didn't work either. It still wants me to sign in with an email or ph# and nothing I try works.

  3. Sorry you can't visit your mom. I understand the safety for all the residents, but it is really hard on the elderly and I wish they could just take temps and limit visits, etc. I am torn. I did hear from my grandmother's indep living apartment that they are not charging her for another month, so I saved her $2000! Have a good weekend.

    1. That's what her place had been doing - taking temps when we check in and answering a few questions via an app. That is great savings for your grandmother, how come they aren't charging?

  4. What is the website where you can order sheets separately instead of in sets?
    Your mother seems to be better with memory.

    1. The website is, but I have also ordered sheets separate at Target, too.

  5. this is for "motherboard battery" (and not the regular battery)? The laptop is SO old, not worth trying to fix in my opinion.
