Friday, April 26, 2013

It's just not a good week

Have you ever had one of those dreams where your teeth are falling out? That was my reality yesterday! I bit into something (a Teddy Graham, no less) and one of my upper molars broke right in half. What a freaky feeling.  I was surprised I wasn't having any pain - just half a tooth gone when I felt it with my tongue.  The dentist got me right in yesterday afternoon. He was hoping there would be enough tooth left where he could just do a crown.  Well, of course not (we're talking ME here, I never have that kind of luck)....I will need a root canal first. So, at yesterdays visit he removed the rest of the filling that was on the partial tooth left and then built the tooth back up temporarily, until the rest of the procedures can be done.

Have I mentioned I HATE going to the dentist?! Cleanings are fine but the rest give me panic attacks. I had a root canal almost 20 years ago and it was an awful experience (panic-wise), so it's safe to say I am not looking forward to my next visit. I did do well with yesterdays almost hour and a half visit and managed to stay pretty calm, so that's a good sign, I guess.  I'm just going to have to put my big girl panties on next Friday and get through it.

They were trying to give me an estimate on what my insurance covers and what my share will be. They gave me an 80% estimate, along with my $50 deductible for yesterday's work, so I had to write them a check for $93.79.  For the root canal and crown (2 separate appointments) they estimated 50%, so my share will be $878. In looking at the information I have access to regarding my coverage I think they have estimated wrong.  For yesterday's visit the evaluation and x-ray portion will be covered at 100%. The buildup of the tooth will be 80%, so I'm guessing my share will really be around $80.20 and the overage I paid can go towards the upcoming charges. Also, my plan shows that while a crown is covered at 50%, like they estimated, a root canal is covered at 80%, so overall my share of the root canal/crown should only be around $625.00.  Guess we'll see when it all goes through. For extensive work, like I am having they offer to split the bill up in 3 payments, so that will be very helpful and do-able for me, financially.

On another note - my grandma got to go back home to the adult care home she stays at. They will have a physical therapist come in 3 times a week to work with her. The doctor felt she would respond best to the PT, if she was back in the home and caretaker she was familiar with (my mom was considering moving her to a rehab/nursing home) so that's what we did. The last couple of days she was in the hospital she got what is called "hospital dementia". It really freaked my mom out the first evening. She was basically hallucinating and not making any sense. The nurse did explain it some, so that helped. The 2nd evening she was telling us people were in and out of her room all the night before and that is was "gangs". She was just adamant (and pissed!) that she was going home right then. She didn't even remember she had fallen and when we tried to explain the doctor would look at her again the next day and decide she was like "well, he's certainly not going to know anything!". From what I read this is a common, but temporary condition, so she should return back to normal once she gets back in her familiar surroundings.  Guess that tough little cookie is going to make it to her 95th birthday in a few weeks!

I'm going back into my hole for awhile and pout about having to have a root canal..........


  1. Bummer about your tooth! I had the same thing happen to me (bit into something and a chunk of tooth came out) and it totally freaked me out! Fortunately I only needed a crown and could skip the root canal but still...ick. At least you have dental insurance which many people don't have. Hope all goes well at the dentist!

  2. You, poor thing :( I hope everything goes well at the dentist!

  3. Don't let your fear get the best of you. Dentistry has come a long way since your last root canal 20 years ago....remember that and try to relax.
    Our dental benefit pays 80% on a canal also and mine recently cost us $181 OOP. You'll probably get off paying less OOP having the canal than a crown. It's crazy that they only pay 50% on those. It's not like their is another cheaper/less cosmetic option for a crown, which doesn't involve loosing the tooth altogether.

    Glad grandma is back in her familiar surroundings. Older people don't take change well sometimes. Gah!....I think I am old! lol

  4. My insurance paid ZERO on my root canal and crown.....cost us about $2000.

    1. geez! that's terrible. what's the point of having some insurance if it won't cover that? I hope you are not paying for the insurance (employer paid?). We don't have the greatest insurance in that it only covers $2000 a year - so once this work is done I'm probably maxed out for the year. I probably won't even have any benefits left to have a cleaning done :-(

  5. I have to have both the root canal, I guess so they can put in a post and have something to attach the crown to, and a crown. My OOP estimate on the root canal will be like $170 and, but 50% of the crown will be $455. I could tell just the work that they did yesterday is more advanced than 20 years ago LOL.

  6. Well first, I'm so glad to hear your grandma got to go home!!! That's terrific!!

    Second, I've had 2 root canals, one in 1985 & one last year. Believe me, they have come a LONG WAY! Dental stuff doesn't bother me - but I was nervous about the root canal because I had remembered the first one being a very unfun way to spend a day. But it wasn't bad. And my dentist has the capability to do both the canal & crown in one sitting. So while it was convenient - done in one day & not having to go back - the worst pain was my JAW from having it open so long, lol. Seriously though, they are nothing to worry about!!!

    1. Thanks Michelle! That is the only thing that hurts from what they did yesterday - my jaw from having it open so long! I remember when I had my first root canal. One of my bottom molars cracked and I had to get a crown...the dentist used one of those rubber dams over my mouth. That is what set me off in a panic mode. I'd never had that before and my nose is always stuffed up from allergies and I just panicked, I guess, that I wouldn't be able to breathe thru my mouth if needed. Up until then I had never been too bad with having dental work done. Plus after he did the crown I was in total pain the next week and then he decided I needed a root canal.

  7. That is a lot to have going on. A tooth and your grandmother. You poor kid.
