Sunday, July 28, 2024

Unexpected guests

We were kind of busy yesterday morning. Got out of the house at 8:30 (always 15 minutes late now with dh, LOL) and were back home with our load of groceries by 10:20. By the time we get it all brought into the house (or for the freezer out in the garage) and I get it all put away, that's another half hour. DH was hungry for a sandwich by 11, so I made him lunch. Around 12:30 he wanted to run into town for a quick errand and to get gas. I went into the gas station store and got a couple of ice cream sandwiches for the 12 minute drive home :)

Around 2 (I can't remember what time it was) I went to take a nap, but about half hour later our landline rang. It was an old childhood friend of dh's (who lives about 6 hours away), coming through our area in about an hour and wanted to stop by and visit and go out to eat dinner. Sure! DH asked him if they needed a place to stay the night and he said they were just getting a room at the motel in town. DH was like NO! No, that place is awful, LOL. Stay here! I guess they had already reserved it. DH then texted him about 10 minutes after hanging up, joking well, you can stay at that crappy motel but your wife is staying at our house! LOL. They were able to cancel their reservation, so that was good. It's a very old motel. Clean, but it's literally right next to the freeway off ramp where trucks come off the interstate to go to the truck stop down the road. It's very noisy to get a good nights sleep.

So, we had about an hour to get ready for guests. Really, there wasn't much of anything that I needed to do for the house. Picked up a few things. Made sure there was extra tp in the upstairs bathroom. Dusted that bedroom a bit. Mostly I fixed myself up, haha. Styled my hair out of it usual pony tail and put some makeup on. I also put on a dressier top, for going out to dinner. 

Well, the only restaurant close by is that one we used to like to go to, but haven't been for awhile as it wasn't as good anymore (I mentioned this a week or so ago in a blog post). We decided to try it again. It's not that it was now really bad - just not near as good of food as it always had been, for years. They must have a new cook or something, as everything was really good again. I tried a chicken sandwich, I had never tried there before and it was really good and we all said the fries were very good. DH always gets the fish and chips and he said it was the best he's had there. So, maybe now we can go out to dinner again once in awhile, and not have to drive an hour (it's about 15 minutes from us).

Friends stayed until about 10:30 this morning. They had a couple hours drive to go to a Celebration of Life for an old family friend who passed. Everyone who's slept in this guest bed has commented how comfortable it is, and they did as well. For breakfast I made some blueberry muffins. I had also got one of those small watermelons with our grocery order and strawberries, so I cut those up to also have with the muffins. I went back to using my good old muffin pan (instead of the new silicone one I bought awhile back) and no more burned bottoms. 

After they left this morning, I got all my flowers watered since I didn't get time to do it yesterday.  

Now, this weekend sure feels like it zipped by. I'm probably really going to want a nap this afternoon as I was up until after 11pm last night, but up at my normal 7am. Well, I was going to sleep a little longer but dh got up. Since I never know what time guests are going to get up, I got up, took a shower and had my coffee. They didn't get up until like 8:30 or 8:45 LOL. I could've slept in some, haha.

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