Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Wednesay shopping and errands

I was up at my normal time on my first day off. Doesn't matter, it's just when I wake up no matter for work or not. Plus we were leaving mid morning to go to the city for a couple of stops and pick up groceries. First stop was to drop off the ring the young guy accidentally dropped in our driveway. We also owed his grandfather $50 on the lift installation, as he had forgotten to add the cost of the oil he used, so dh put both in an envelope. We met the young guy where he works and gave it to him. He was happy to get the ring, as he said his girlfriend had given it to him. Dh also texted the grandfather to let him know we gave the $50 to his grandson to give him.

Then we went to Harbor Freight for dh to pick up some "wheel chocks". I didn't know that Harbor Freights website tell you which aisle something is in, so he had me look that up before we got there, so we were quick to find what he needed. He's also been wanting a particular floor jack that they never have in stock. When we went to check out the girl asked him if he found everything and he said well, you always seem to be out of the off-road floor jack. She said I think we have some in back...she looked on their computer and they had 9 in back, so they brought one out and we bought it.

Then I went into the grocery store for the hamburger patties I get there, and they were out. I forgot they probably would be out, due to 4th of July. Oh well, I do have almost 2 bags still, so that should get us through at least a couple more weeks for making dh's burgers for dinners. I saw they had 12 packs of Mountain Dew on sale, so I grabbed 4 of those to stock up on. (even though I already had some 24 packs with my Walmart order). Then we went to Walmart and got our order picked up. We've been using these collapsible bins we got at Costco to put the bags in and that makes carrying all the bags into the house much easier. We also stopped at Wendy's for lunch to eat on the way home and were home by 12:30 or so.

I had cleaned out the fridge this morning of old stuff that needed to be thrown out, so I had lots of room for all the new food. We are doing well with our new upright freezer in the garage and still plenty of room in that, so I don't think we really need to keep the chest freezer. We've been hanging onto it to make sure the upright was big enough for everything.

I took a nap for about an hour while dh was out working on something in the shop. I heated up some mini tacos for dh's dinner. I wasn't super hungry after having the chicken burger for lunch, so I just had some apple slices with peanut butter. Still YUM! Now dh is washing the pickup and I decided to get this blog post typed up. I guess I'd better go out and get the flowers watered. We had a sprinkle of rain late this afternoon, but not enough to water.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Forgotten money and sugary coffee

Some good news I totally forgot about until I was reminded by a postcard in the mail yesterday. We get a $675 property tax rebate again this year (it was a 2 year deal). We have to apply for it, so it was good to get the reminder card in the mail, as I had totally forgotten about it. I will put it towards my prepaid winter propane bill that comes up in September.

I sometimes watch this funny/snarky lady who does videos, mostly of cooking for her family. Last night I watched one of her making her morning cup of coffee. Holy sugar! She poured in so much white chocolate sauce (I can understand, though, LOL) and then 3 pumps of vanilla syrup and some creamer, which most likely also had sugar in it. That cup of coffee had to have at least 60 grams of sugar. I'm still working on my sugar reduction, but now my coffee is back to sugar free. I do want to use up the white chocolate sauce I have left, so I decided on Monday's, as a treat, I will add some to my coffee, but I'm adding about half what I used to put in (on a daily basis). I ran out of some of my more healthy treats about a week ago, so I've been slipping on those. 

But, we are going into the city tomorrow and picking up a grocery order, so I'm getting back to the less/no sugar snacks. I want apples and peanut butter so bad! I've been craving it, but ran out of apples like a week ago. We also have to stop by the house of the guy who installed dh's shop lift. We still owe him $50 (he forgot to add for the oil to his invoice) and also drop off his grandson's ring dh found in the driveway. Then dh wants to stop in Harbor Freight for a few things. I have our grocery pick up scheduled between 11am and noon and we can do the other 2 errands before that and shouldn't have to leave the house until like 9am in the morning.

Our cruise to Alaska in September is fast approaching and I need to get some things figured out now - like what clothes and if I/we need a couple new outfits. I also want to order a few "cruise essentials" which I see come in handy on a cruise from reading blogs/watching videos. Like magnetic hooks, plug in for extra USB ports, motion sickness patches, stuff like that. I'm going to use some of my $500 Amazon gift card to purchase those items I want to take with us.

We've decided to stay casual and skip the formal night(s) and just eat somewhere else on the cruise, but I'd still like to get a couple pair of casual pants that aren't jeans. All I have is jeans. Dh has quite a few non jeans khaki type pants and button down shirts, short and long sleeved, so he should be fine with clothes.

We bought a "cat cave" for Amos a long time ago, I have it up in my office. He uses it to scratch on and once in a blue moon will sit on top of it. The past 2 days he's decided he now likes getting inside it. He spent over 3 hours sleeping in there yesterday afternoon and he just got in it again this afternoon. Too funny. What made him finally decide he likes it?

Monday, July 1, 2024

Quick Monday post

DH subscribes to YouTube Premium. It used to cost $11.99 a month, now it's up to $13.99. Yesterday I read they now offer an annual plan that is $139.99/yr, so saves some over the monthly rate. To change to this yearly subscription, I had to cancel his plan and then re subscribe and that's where the yearly plan option was available. Now saving $28/yr.

I have some things in my Amazon cart to buy with my gift card balance, but I'm going to wait a couple of weeks for Prime Day and see if any of it goes on sale. I never have any luck with Prime Day, but I can wait to try again. Maybe the air purifier will be cheaper. I had hoped I could use my Amazon gift card balance to buy a Google Play gift card and then use that to pay for dh's Youtube Premium, but no can do, apparently. 

Dh just did his quarterly filters replacement on the furnace and water filters. Once he's all done he wants a haircut, which I just do with a set of Wahl clippers. He's not much hair left, haha, so it takes me less than 5 minutes to buzz his hair down. I'm sure he misses his head of super big super curly hair, LOL. 

I just remembered I have a phone meeting to do at noon. Not sure if it's just phone or video as well, but I'm prepared. Well, I think I have a meeting. The person who was coordinating the meeting time said he would send out invites and I haven't received anything. 

Two days of work this week. I got this!