Thursday, August 18, 2022

Thursday already

Yesterday dh and I made a quick trip to the city to pick up the new snow plow attachment for the mule. Dh says it's a really nice piece of equipment. It was a quick transaction. He had already contacted the guy about a week and a half prior and gotten a quote and he said he had like 2 in stock, but would not be getting more in until next year, as the manufacturer had already sent him his allotment. He had it ready, sitting on a pallet and I was done paying before dh got out of their bathroom, haha. They loaded it on the trailer for us, dh tied it down, and back home we went. He did get part of it installed on the front of the mule yesterday. There are 2 blades and just one blade is probably the size of what he has been plowing snow with, so this new set up will make it a much quicker job. Plus, the blades will also raise up a lot higher so he'll be able to pile the snow up higher and not run out of room to put it, if we get lots of snow.

I think my first step in addressing the steel warehouse going in next door, is to send an email to the other 3 owners in this little subdivision, letting them know what the guy said he plans to build and do. It's probable that the owners on the end lot #7 don't know what he has told us this week. It's highly probable the out of state owners on lot 6 know nothing of it. But, the guy also mentioned he'd like to buy lot 6 too, so it's possible he's already contacted them to inquire if they want to sell. Part of my reasoning to include them, is who knows what they have plans to build/do and if they think they are going to do something that is not within the covenants, at least they will get a heads up now to know that they will also get pushback.

Of course my hope is they would all agree and all want to do something to protect their neighborhood and to maintain our residential lifestyle living here. I doubt it, though. But, at least they will all be aware up front where we stand. I also think the next opportunity that presents itself to talk with the guy again (it seems whenever they come to their property, she just stays in their truck) I'm just going to say, I think we should look at and discuss the covenant's and what you are planning to build. Then he will know where we stand going forward. If he plans to continue, then our next step would be to consult with a real estate attorney.

This link is the closest thing (in size and has living quarters) I could find on the website of the company he said he plans to have build this steel building with living quarters. While the one side of it does look a little bit like a house, this doesn't even come close to the size he is planning to put up. The building in this link is less than 3000 sq ft. Double the width of the building in this picture and then add another 28 feet in length. To me this does not resemble anything "residential" in character, especially almost tripling the size of what's in this link, it will not look residential. The guy tried to divert us/dh the other day by then saying "oh, I'm going to get/build a shop in town to run the business out of". I should have said "ok, then why will you need an 8000 sf steel shop building here to live in?" But dh had followed him out to his truck, where his wife was waiting, and they continued to chat and when it was again brought up about him saying he'll keep the business stuff in a shop in town, his wife was totally surprised and said "what? why?" So, again dh said you cannot operate a commercial or industrial business on these properties. And she said "even if we keep the equipment inside the shop?".

Geez Louise - we just wanted to build a nice house, in a nice residential neighborhood and have a nice quiet life.


  1. That looks like an over sized pole barn to me. There is nothing about it that looks like a home to me. And if he's planning on it being much bigger than this, I can't imagine how he thinks this would be okay. I would definitely be contacting an attorney sooner than later. Ranee (MN)

    1. its just going to look like a huge steel building and I guess because somewhere on it they'll have a front "house" door and a few windows, that it qualifies as a "residential in character" home.

  2. NO!
    It's just like putting lipstick on a pig!!

    1. A couple of times the guys said "but it will look nice!" Ya...lots of commercial/industrial areas in the city can make their area look "nice" - it's still going to be a pig.

  3. There is no way an industrial building looks nice in a neighbourhood, sorry. Either they are both really unaware OR he has told his wife it'll be ok when it isn't.

    1. I get the impression he's the type that's just going to do what he wants to do and she is the unaware one. She's very sweet but at almost 80 yrs old, she doesn't seem to involved with any of what he's doing. She just wants to quilt, LOL.

  4. There's no way a steel building - especially that ginormous - could be considered residential. Putting in a house door and a few windows won't change the fact it's not a house.

    1. I keep trying to come up with a way it is....and I just can't in any way.

  5. From her reaction, it does seem she is unaware of what he is doing or claims he is doing and she is surprised. I would still keep contacting him about all this. I have seen what lowboys carrying heavy equipment can do to a road. And, the guy I knew did not have the largest equipment around.

    I think I would keep all communication with him as emails or registered letters so he cannot say you did not tell him this or that. Even personal conversations can be recorded to keep a record.

  6. Why would he even be building something that big, being in his 80's? Did he find the Fountain of Youth somewhere? Who in their right mind would buy it from them when the time comes to sell? Do they have children that will take it over after he passes? Unbelievable!!!

    1. The guy is 67 "almost 68 he said" and she is the older one at 79. Not sure about the children. She mentioned she has a daughter in another state. The first time we talked to them last year he mentioned something about a son who is worthless. My dh said the only type of people that would want to buy an 8000 sf storage building is someone with a business to run.
